Friday, January 31, 2020

FryYay Yay! 👏

(Hello in Lingala) mbote, folks, Happy FryYay! Hope you all had a fantastic day! :) Today, I got up at a decent time and began my morning routine. For, breakfast I had a nice coconut yoghurt with granola. After I completed my morning routine I headed downstairs to wait for my life skills coach. While waiting for my life skills coach I took down some observations in my observation notebook. Finally, when my coach arrived we made our way to The Big Apple. Just like yesterday, we got there with a good amount of time to spare. Finally, it was time to start my amazing session with my amazing academic coach!! I was really happy :)! To, begin our session we started off by reviewing my homework, and the observations I took from yesterday and this morning. After, reviewing my homework I had to write about The Three Main Industries In Canada using the notes I took.  It was not easy writing about The Three Main Industries In Canada. Finally, when I was done writing about  The Three Main Industries In Canada, I worked on some reading comprehension. When, it was finally lunchtime I had a yummy meal, which included some nice sausages, some mushrooms I made the night before and some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. Unfortunately, to end our session we worked on math, it was not fun. When I was finished with my acedamic coach, my life skills coach and I headed to The Musem Of Illusions. Before we went to the museum we headed to the store by the museum so I could get a bottle of water. Then, after the store, it was finally time to head to the museum! The museum was really cool we saw really cool exhibits. I was even able to get two really awesome souvenirs! After we were finished at the museum we headed back to  Forest Hills, we took the express train and then transferred to a local train. Overall, my day was absolutely amazing! I hope you guys had an amazing FryYay as well!-... -.-- .     --··--     ..-. --- .-.. -.- ...     -.. --- -. ·----· -     ..-. --- .-. --. . -     - ---     - ..- -. .     .. -.     - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .--     ..-. --- .-.     .- -. --- - .... . .-.     .- -- .- --.. .. -. --.     .- .-. ..     - .. --.. . .-.     -... .-.. --- --. -·-·--  Bye 👋, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog! 🍄  (In Morse Code)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Time to cook Thursdays

Queen Slay. 
- (Hello in Bulgarian)  Zdraveĭte, folks today is Time To Cook Thursdays. I hope you guys, had a wonderful day! It all began,  this morning I woke up at a good time. When I woke up,  I ate breakfast. I had a coconut yoghurt with granola. After that, I completed the rest of my morning. At around 6:30 AM, I went downstairs to wait for my life skills coach. Finally, when it was 7:30 AM we made our way to  The Big Apple. When we arrived in Manhattan we took a taxi from the 86th Street  Subway since it was cold, and I was too lazy to walk to EBL. Finally, when we arrived at EBL we thankfully had some time to spare before I started my session with my amazing coach. Finally, it was 9 AM, and my coach arrived. I was a very happy camper. After, she settled in we reviewed my homework. Today we worked on writing, grammar, reading comprehension, and some math.  Finally, it was lunchtime! I had some yummy sausages, with some delicious gluten-free Chinese food. For, dessert I had some yummy chocolate chip banana bread it was awesome! To wrap up our session we did some math.  I, was really happy when I would get one of the math problems correct. When it was 1 pm, my life skills coach and I headed back to Queens. When we finally arrived at my house, I took a small break to put my stuff down. After, my break I packed up the laundry from my room. Then, I got my stuff to go to a nice shower. After, my shower the cooking began! We boiled some potatoes,  made some nice mushrooms, and then made some yummy pork chops. We also made some sausages that will be part of my lunch tomorrow. Also, part of my lunch for tomorrow I will be having a nice baked potato, and for dessert, I will be having some yummy Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips.  At 5:30 PM, when my life skills coach left I doled out my medication for the next day then, began on my EBL homework.  Finally, when I was finished with my homework, I got to relax! Of, course I snacked on a sweet treat. I'm a big sweet lover. Do you guys enjoy eating sweets? Tomorrow, on my agenda I will have another amazing session with my favorite teacher, then make my way to The Musem Of Illusions with my life skills coach. I'm really looking forward to going to the museum! Overall, it was a fantastic day! خداحافظ (Goodbye in Persian) Don't forget to tune in, tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer Blog!

I'm leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again. Oh, babe, I hate to go. 

Someone get me a Baguette and a Whoopie Pie. 

I'm so happy you already know. 

Is anyone interested in playing the keyboard with me?

Fancy Fancy. 

What's good fam?
Chef Ari Tizer at your service. Can I take your order?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Well, Hello 👋 there Wednesday's,  hello there folks. Today is Well, Hello there Wednesday's. I hope you all, had a wonderful day! Today, I got up nice and early! To, begin my day I took my backpack, my jacket, and my sweatshirt out of my room. For, breakfast I had a nice coconut yogurt with granola. At 7:30 AM,  my coach and I headed out to the Big Apple. Thankfully we got there with a little bit of time to spare. Also, when we got there my coach filled out her timesheet.  When it was finally, 9 AM I got to start my session with my amazing academic coach. After she settled in I gave her a piece of the chocolate chip banana bread I made. During a break my coach and I, snack on my delicious banana bread. Today, we worked on mostly writing. Every day, I will have to write specific observations about people. At 1 PM, when my life skills coach picked me up, we headed back to Queens. When we arrived back at my house; I ran upstairs and got the things we needed to go shopping. After I grabbed the things we needed, I walked down the stairs with the cart in my hand. When I, arrived downstairs we made our way to the supermarket, to buy some water. When I finally, arrived home I settled in and then took a nice shower. After, my shower my life skills coach and I worked on schedule. At 4 PM, when my coach left I began on my EBL homework. First, I wrote the observations that I wrote down in my phone in my notebook. Then, I completed the rest of my EBL  homework, which was a descriptive photograph homework. Finally, when my homework was complete I was able to rest. During dinner, while my mom and my sister ate, I played some nice songs off of YouTube. Afterwards, despite me not having dinner  I had a yummy sweet treat. Overall, it was a great day! I, hope you guys had a great day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer Blog of the day!
Hello there!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Today is YOUR day Tuesday's

Look at me!!!
 asl need bacon lemons need bacon GIF

Need Bacon! 
 Alrighty, folks, welcome back to another edition of the famous Ari Tizer blog. I'm your host Ari Tizer. Today is YOUR DAY Tuesdays. Don't let any stupid person mess up your gorgeous Tuesday, today is everyone's day. We're going to make the best out of this amazing day. It's going to be awesome! I started, my morning, off by getting dressed. After, getting dressed, I took the things that I was going to bring with me out of my room. Then, after I took out everything I needed for my room; I sat down and had a nice breakfast I had a yummy coconut yogurt with some granola.  After, breakfast I finished up my morning; and went downstairs and waited for my coach. When 7:30, came we headed out to The Big Apple. We got there a pretty decent time. I had some spare time before I started session with my acedamic coach. Finally, when it was 9 AM,  it was time for me to have a session with my favorite teacher. Today, we began our session by chatting a little and reviewing my homework. After that, we looked at my blog from the previous day and made some corrections on it. I also read a short story called The Man In The Brown Coat. Also, during my session, I had some yummy leftovers from the chicken dinner we had the night before. At 1 PM, when my life-skills coach picked me we headed to the subway. When we arrived back at my house, I ran upstairs and got some things we needed to go shopping. After, I grabbed the things I needed I walked back downstairs with the cart in my hand. My life-skills coach and I where then off to the supermarket. At the supermarket, we jugs of water, a baking mix and some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. When we left the supermarket, we walked up the hill back to my house. When we arrived home I took a short break, and then we baked some yummy chocolate chip banana bread. When my coach left, I then doled out my medication for the next two days. After, I doled out medication I began on my EBL homework. Finally, when everything I needed to complete was done, I was able to get ready to take a nice shower. My shower was really relaxing and well deserved. For, dinner I had some delicious Chinese Food, some nice gluten-free General Tso's Chicken and some nice gluten free-Sesame Chicken. Overall, it was an awesome day. I hope, you guys had an awesome day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer blog!
happy will smith GIF

I'm a watermelon!

Preach, Dr.Seuss.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Mathy Monday's

Whattttttttt?? Can anyone solve this problem?
Alrighty then, folks, welcome back to another awesome, edition of The Ari Tizer blog. I'm your host Ari Tizer.💜💜💜💜💙 This morning, I woke up with enough time to complete my morning routine. Since my morning  routine went so well, I even had enough time to take out the garbage and recycle.  For breakfast, I had a nice hummus sandwich. What did you folks have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? At 7:30 AM, my travel trainer and I began our journey to The Big Apple. When we finally arrived at my academic tutoring center,  I settled in  and put my lunch,and  water bottle away.  Also, during this time, I took out the things I might need for the day.  The doorbell rings, it's finally that time I get to start my session with my favorite teacher. I had a great time with my academic coach.  During my academic coaching session today,  my team and  I all had a call; it went pretty well. Also during my team call I ate lunch. For lunch, I had a hummus sandwich,some sausages, and some yummy Snickerdoodles for dessert. When my time was over with my favorite teacher, my other coach Nao picked me up, and we took a long walk. On our journey, Nao and I went to By The Way Bakery to get some yummy treats. In Starbucks, Nao and I drank some nice coffee and ate some nice By The Way Bakery treats.   We also stopped in different places, like an old fashioned kitchenette. We also saw some really cool pictures in the window of an art gallery/frame shop. .On, the train, I saw a cool dance performance. When I arrived home a little while after Nao left, I completed my academic homework, then doled out my meds for the next day, and then took a shower. For dinner, I had a lovely dish of chicken with potatoes and onions, and French green beans. To make things better, the whole meal was organic. Overall, folks, today was an excellent day! I hope you folks had a great day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer Blog! Sala kakuhle (goodbye in Xhosa)
Preach  Einstein!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Silly Sundays

Cabs are here!

Look at this huge egg! 

Mmmm bacon. Mmm Sausage...

home alone

Γειά σου (Hello in Greek) . How,are you folks today? Today is Silly Sunday. What's the silliest thing you folks have ever done? I hope you guys had a nice weekend,and a nice Sunday. Today, I had a nice brunch .What did you guys have for breakfast, and or brunch, and or a late lunch? After, brunch I took out the garbage and reycle. A little while after I was done with the garbage and recyle ;I headed to the shower my shower was really nice. For lunch today I had some yummy gluten-free Chinise food it was delish.  What did you guys have for lunch? Today, I had a nice cup of decaffeinated  Irish Breakfast Tea it was awesome. Later, in the day my mom and I  had some nice Chinese soup for dinner.   We also watched a movie called Healing Voices, which is about mental illness it's quite sad how bad the  Mental Health System in the United States is.    !Overall folks, it was a nice relaxing day at home. What did you folks do today and this weekend? Bener, wong ora lali yen bakal sesuk ing blog Ari Tizer sing luar biasa dina iki! bye, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing  Ari Tizer blog of the day! (In Javanese)

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sup Saturdays

Pizza anyone?<3

Today is the  Chinese New Year so to anyone who celebrates Chinese New Year Happy New Year! Today, I began my day by laying out my medication for the next two days. After, laying out my medication, I had a yummy sausage breakfast. After breakfast I took a nice hot shower it was fantastic! For, lunch today I had some more sausages. For, a snack I nice a nice cuppa (I had a nice cup of decaffeinated Irish Breakfast Tea and a yummy snickerdoodle.) Also, for a snack, I had some tasty dark chocolate. For dinner, I enjoyed some nice gluten-free Chinese with my mama.  , olksfay , iyay adhay ayay eatgray aturdaysay . iyay openly ouyay idday assay always. Monday orgetfay Otay unetay inyay omorrowtay orfay anotheryay awesomeyay ariyay izertay ogblay ! Overall, folks, I had a great Saturday. I hope you did as well. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer blog! (In Pig 🐖 Latin)

What did the mermaid wear to math class?

An algae-bra.

 like bowling.

Seriously, it’s right up my alley.
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo’ drizzle.
What time is it when you have to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurtie.
What does a nosey pepper do? Get jalapeño business.
Hugs <3


Friday, January 24, 2020

Feeling Good Friday

Pad Thai Kugel anyone?

Snickerdoodles anyone?
My awesome new journal! 
Happy FryYay! 

Happy FryYay folks hope you all had an awesome week today is Feeling Good Friday. How was your Friday folks? I hope, you all had an amazing FryYay! To start off my day, I had a nice coconut yogurt. When my life skills coach arrived, we started our journey to the Big Apple.  When we arrived at EBL, there was some time to spare, before I got to see my amazing acedamic coach. Finally, when my acedamic coach arrived we talked a little then began our work. We reviewed my homework and then, we worked on a Coursera course. The course we worked on was An Introduction To American Law. Finally, it's lunchtime I had a delicious lunch, I had bacon, pastrami, and bread fried in mayo. At 12:30 when I had to leave my academic coach, my other  coach and I headed back to Forest Hills. When I arrived at home, I settled in and then ate a small snack. After, my snack I went and took a nice hot shower it was awesome. Today I also, I had a nice visit with my friend from Felicity House it was great, we had a great, time my friend also stayed for dinner we had gluten-free Chinese food it was yummy!  Today I also, saw a really cool dance performance on the subway. Overall, my day was great hope you all had an amazing FryYay! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog!

MANAN: Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
THEO: Why?
MANAN: Because every play has a cast.

Cheesy French Bread anyone?

Thursday, January 23, 2020

To Life Thursdays

#bearlynotlate #yas
To life!!
To life!!!

Hola amigos, how are you guys today? Today was absolutely brilliant. I woke up bright and early, had a nice breakfast some nice Red Lentil Pasta and some gluten-free Chinese. It was awesome!  This morning, I was able to get a lot done. Finally when it 7:30 my life-skills coach began our journey to The Big Apple. We got to Manhatten pretty quick, with a lot of time to spare. So, before heading to EBL, my life-skills coach and I went to By The Way Bakery and bought some sweet treats for myself and my academic coach. We also went to Fresh And Co, and I got my awesome academic coach something there as well.  After our awesome morning adventure, we headed to EBL. When we arrived my life-skills coach left, and I got set up for my day. At 9 AM when my academic coach arrived I told her, that I had something for her.  I gave her the treats I bought for her and she was really happy with them, she said thank you and hugged me. On a break, my acedamic coach and I snacked, we both had our Almond Cookies it was wonderful. Today my acedamic coach and I worked on reading, writing, and I think some grammar.  For lunch, I had some more Red Lentil Pasta with some more gluten-free Chinese and another nice sweet treat from By The Way Bakery. It was wonderful. At 1 pm, unfortunately, I had to leave my amazing coach.  When my life-skills coach picked me up from EBL we headed to the subway. When I finally, arrived home I settled in and then, got to work in my room.  Today I also made my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow.  When my coach left, I took a nice shower. After that, I did some awesome EBL homework.  Overall it was a pretty chill and, productive day. I hope you guys had an awesome day! I'm so glad tomorrow is FryYay! Who's looking forward to the weekend? I know I am.  Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7, 8, 9.  What do you call a ghost’s true love?
His ghoul-friend. What did one volcano say to the other?
I am lava you! Bye, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Willing Wednesday's

Hot guy anyone?
I don't know do you know?
Alright, folks happy Hump day today is Willing  Wednesday's. Is there something you haven't been willing to do? Try and push yourself and be willing to do whatever is you need to do. How was your day folks? My day started off perfectly. Since I didn't have to ride in Access-A-Ride I was able to wake up a little later than I normally would. How did your day start off with my friends? For breakfast, I had some leftover pastrami egg foo young.  What did you guys have for breakfast? After my morning routine was completed I went downstairs and waited in the lobby of my building for my coach. She arrived early, so we just sat in the lobby until we had to head out. Then when we finally started our journey to the Big Apple it went pretty well. From 9 AM till 1 PM I spent some time with my favorite teacher, we worked on writing, reading.  I had a wonderful day with my coach For lunch today, I had some nice sausages. What did you guys, have for lunch? When my life skills coach picked me up at 1 PM we headed back to Queens. When I arrived home, I settled in and then we worked on my laundry. My life-skills coach did the folding and I put away my clothes. We also counted the Access-A-Ride money that I have, that I no longer need. Fortunately, my mom gave me some of that money, so thank you for that Bunny! With my life-skills coach, I also made part of my lunch and part of my breakfast. Today my life-skills coach made an exception of helping me out with the cooking since I had to dole out my meds, for the next two days.  When my life-skills coach left I completed my EBL homework. After I completed my homework I got ready for my shower. I took a nice hot, steamy shower it was lovely. I was able to rest for a little while before my gluten-free Chinese food arrived. What do you guys enjoy doing in the evenings? For dinner I had my usual gluten-free Chinese it was awesome! Some of the Chinese will be for my lunch with red lentil pasta, and some of it will be for my breakfast will red lentil pasta. Overall today was a great day hope you all had a great day just like I did! Catch ya later folks, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer Blog!
Yummy gluten-free pasta anyone?

I wish I had a $100.00