Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Today is YOUR day Tuesday's

Look at me!!!
 asl need bacon lemons need bacon GIF

Need Bacon! 
 Alrighty, folks, welcome back to another edition of the famous Ari Tizer blog. I'm your host Ari Tizer. Today is YOUR DAY Tuesdays. Don't let any stupid person mess up your gorgeous Tuesday, today is everyone's day. We're going to make the best out of this amazing day. It's going to be awesome! I started, my morning, off by getting dressed. After, getting dressed, I took the things that I was going to bring with me out of my room. Then, after I took out everything I needed for my room; I sat down and had a nice breakfast I had a yummy coconut yogurt with some granola.  After, breakfast I finished up my morning; and went downstairs and waited for my coach. When 7:30, came we headed out to The Big Apple. We got there a pretty decent time. I had some spare time before I started session with my acedamic coach. Finally, when it was 9 AM,  it was time for me to have a session with my favorite teacher. Today, we began our session by chatting a little and reviewing my homework. After that, we looked at my blog from the previous day and made some corrections on it. I also read a short story called The Man In The Brown Coat. Also, during my session, I had some yummy leftovers from the chicken dinner we had the night before. At 1 PM, when my life-skills coach picked me we headed to the subway. When we arrived back at my house, I ran upstairs and got some things we needed to go shopping. After, I grabbed the things I needed I walked back downstairs with the cart in my hand. My life-skills coach and I where then off to the supermarket. At the supermarket, we jugs of water, a baking mix and some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. When we left the supermarket, we walked up the hill back to my house. When we arrived home I took a short break, and then we baked some yummy chocolate chip banana bread. When my coach left, I then doled out my medication for the next two days. After, I doled out medication I began on my EBL homework. Finally, when everything I needed to complete was done, I was able to get ready to take a nice shower. My shower was really relaxing and well deserved. For, dinner I had some delicious Chinese Food, some nice gluten-free General Tso's Chicken and some nice gluten free-Sesame Chicken. Overall, it was an awesome day. I hope, you guys had an awesome day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer blog!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y83x7MgzWOA
happy will smith GIF

I'm a watermelon!

Preach, Dr.Seuss.

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