Tuesday, March 17, 2020

On St Patrick's Day 2020 Tony Hawk sent to me three pictures of Irish Soda Bread and a picture of Rocky Road Ice Cream.


(In Irish 🍀) Welcome back, to the blog friends and Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Today is on St Patrick's Day 2020 Tony Hawk sent to me three pictures of Irish Soda Bread and a picture of Rocky Road Ice Cream. Fáilte ar ais, a chairde an bhlag agus Lá FhĂ©ile Pádraig Shona duit!  Inniu ar Lá FhĂ©ile Pádraig 2020 chuir Tony Hawk trĂ­ phictiĂşr de Arán Soda na hÉireann agus pictiĂşr de Ice Cream Rocky Road chugam. Today I was a lucky girl, I got to sleep in, and yes folks it was definitely a treat. When I finally woke up, I put my daily post on Facebook. After putting my daily post on Facebook, I relaxed in bed. When I finally got out of bed, I had a coconut yoghurt and a gluten-free muffin for breakfast it was fabulous!!!! After breakfast, I completed my chore, not long after I finished my chore, I began my session with my academic coach. The first thing we did was we reviewed my homework. When we were done reviewing my homework, I worked on some reading comprehension. When I was finished working on reading comprehension, it was finally time for me to take a break, during my break I started on my EBL homework. When my break was over and it was time for me to start back up with my academic coach, I enjoyed a nice sushi lunch with French Fries, and for dessert some gluten-free cookies. Today to wrap up our session I worked on some math. Finally, when my session with my acedamic coach was over I took a nice shower, after my shower I finished up my EBL homework. When I was done with my EBL homework, I doled out my medication for the next day. After doling out my medication, it was Golden Girls' time. After Golden Girl's time was over, it was dinner time. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed a nice sweet potato patty on a gluten-free bun with vegan Gouda, bacon, and alfalfa sprouts, it was fabulous, I also got to have a nice root beer with lemon, half of it I had, the other half my sister had. (In Irish.)Overall friends, it was a fabulous day in my neighborhood! I hope you all had a wonderful St Patrick's Day, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog! I love you all xx Ari Tizer! đź’•đź’•đź’•A chairde ar an iomlán, lá iontach a bhĂ­ ann i mo chomharsanacht!  Tá sĂşil agam go raibh Lá FhĂ©ile Pádraig iontach agaibh go lĂ©ir, ná dĂ©an dearmad tiĂşnadh isteach amárach le haghaidh blag iontach eile Ari Tizer!  Is breá liom tĂş go lĂ©ir xx Ari Tizer!  đź’•đź’•đź’•