Monday, June 22, 2020

On the 22, of June, Jenny McCarthy sent to me a picture of a Maple Bacon Doughnut, and a picture of Mango Lassi Monday 🦛🦛☺️🇮🇱🍧. .

Welcome back friend's, and happy . I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today is, on the 22, of June, Jenny McCarthy sent to me a picture of a Maple Bacon Doughnut, and a picture of Mango Lassi Monday 🦛🦛☺️🇮🇱🍧.  . Today, I woke bright and early, soon waking up, I got ready for the day ahead of me. When I was finished getting ready, I began my session with my coach. Today, we worked on social skills, worksheets, and stretches. Also during my session I enjoyed a Kind Bar, and a nice cup of Yorkshire tea. To wrap up our session,we watched food videos. After my session with my coach, I enjoyed a nice snack and chatted with a friend. For snack, I enjoyed Wasa crackers with raspberry preserves, and it was wonderful, my call was wonderful, my snack was wonderful, everything was wonderful. Soon after my call, it was lunch time, for lunch I enjoyed oranges, tuna with thousand island dressing, one Wasa cracker, and cookies for dessert, also during lunch I watched Netflix which was awesome! Today, I had a wonderful outing with my family, we went to eat, we went to the fish market, we went to Target, and everything was just wonderful. The sushi meal we had was great, eating outside was great, it was all just amazing. After our nice sushi meal, we headed to the fish market because my sister wanted to buy some fish. After the fish market, we headed to Target then headed home. Soon after arriving home, I doled out my medication for the next day, and then began with my daily posts. After a while, I took a break from my daily post's,  and went and took a nice shower. After my shower, I finished up my daily post's, and enjoyed a cacco bean protein shake. Overall, my wonderful friends, it was a great day in my neighborhood! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer xxx.🍧🐇☕☺️💪