Thursday, January 30, 2020

Time to cook Thursdays

Queen Slay. 
- (Hello in Bulgarian)  Zdraveĭte, folks today is Time To Cook Thursdays. I hope you guys, had a wonderful day! It all began,  this morning I woke up at a good time. When I woke up,  I ate breakfast. I had a coconut yoghurt with granola. After that, I completed the rest of my morning. At around 6:30 AM, I went downstairs to wait for my life skills coach. Finally, when it was 7:30 AM we made our way to  The Big Apple. When we arrived in Manhattan we took a taxi from the 86th Street  Subway since it was cold, and I was too lazy to walk to EBL. Finally, when we arrived at EBL we thankfully had some time to spare before I started my session with my amazing coach. Finally, it was 9 AM, and my coach arrived. I was a very happy camper. After, she settled in we reviewed my homework. Today we worked on writing, grammar, reading comprehension, and some math.  Finally, it was lunchtime! I had some yummy sausages, with some delicious gluten-free Chinese food. For, dessert I had some yummy chocolate chip banana bread it was awesome! To wrap up our session we did some math.  I, was really happy when I would get one of the math problems correct. When it was 1 pm, my life skills coach and I headed back to Queens. When we finally arrived at my house, I took a small break to put my stuff down. After, my break I packed up the laundry from my room. Then, I got my stuff to go to a nice shower. After, my shower the cooking began! We boiled some potatoes,  made some nice mushrooms, and then made some yummy pork chops. We also made some sausages that will be part of my lunch tomorrow. Also, part of my lunch for tomorrow I will be having a nice baked potato, and for dessert, I will be having some yummy Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips.  At 5:30 PM, when my life skills coach left I doled out my medication for the next day then, began on my EBL homework.  Finally, when I was finished with my homework, I got to relax! Of, course I snacked on a sweet treat. I'm a big sweet lover. Do you guys enjoy eating sweets? Tomorrow, on my agenda I will have another amazing session with my favorite teacher, then make my way to The Musem Of Illusions with my life skills coach. I'm really looking forward to going to the museum! Overall, it was a fantastic day! خداحافظ (Goodbye in Persian) Don't forget to tune in, tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer Blog!

I'm leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again. Oh, babe, I hate to go. 

Someone get me a Baguette and a Whoopie Pie. 

I'm so happy you already know. 

Is anyone interested in playing the keyboard with me?

Fancy Fancy. 

What's good fam?
Chef Ari Tizer at your service. Can I take your order?