Thursday, March 5, 2020

On the 5th of March, 2020 Tyra Banks sent to me two pictures of papayas and a picture of mozzarella sticks Thursday.

Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that's positive and celebrate that! Tyra Banks

Image result for papaya

Dancing Papaya!  "¡Olé!


Image result for papaya
Happy papaya! 
Image result for mozzarella sticks italian
Mozzarella Sticks!


W̲h̲a̲t̲'̲s̲ p̲o̲p̲p̲i̲n̲g̲ f̲o̲l̲k̲s̲?̲ T̲o̲d̲a̲y̲ i̲s̲ o̲n̲ t̲h̲e̲ 5̲t̲h̲ o̲f̲ M̲a̲r̲c̲h̲,̲ 2̲0̲2̲0̲ T̲y̲r̲a̲ B̲a̲n̲k̲s̲ s̲e̲n̲t̲ t̲o̲ m̲e̲ t̲w̲o̲ p̲i̲c̲t̲u̲r̲e̲s̲ o̲f̲ p̲a̲p̲a̲y̲a̲s̲ a̲n̲d̲ a̲   p̲i̲c̲t̲u̲r̲e̲ o̲f̲ m̲o̲z̲z̲a̲r̲e̲l̲l̲a̲ s̲t̲i̲c̲k̲s̲ T̲h̲u̲r̲s̲d̲a̲y̲!̲ I hope you all had a wonderful Thursday. Today I got to sleep in a little,  I know lucky me! When I woke up I got dressed, after getting dressed I doled out my medication for the next day,  soon after laying out my medication I ate breakfast, after breakfast, I laid out my clothes for the next day. Today, I had some time before my session with my academic coach started, so I just chilled. When it was time to begin my session with my we began our session by reviewing my homework for my Sushi paper, some of the skills I worked on while renewing my homework was, reading comprehension, research skills, reading for information, and organization. We worked on this for most of our session. Finally, when we were done working on the beginning part of my Sushi 🍣paper, we worked on math to wrap up our session.  When I was finished with my academic coach, it was time for me to head to my doctor's appointment. After my doctor's appointment, I met up with my life skills coach and we made our way to Shake Shack, where I had lunch, it was wonderful. After lunch, my coach and I headed back to my house. When we arrived at my house I took a small break, and then completed my chore. After completing my chore I took a nice shower. After my shower, I worked on a couple more tasks and then practiced mindfulness to wrap up our session. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Overall friends, it was a fabulous day! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fantastic Ari Tizer blog of the day! ♥