Saturday, June 20, 2020

On the 20th of June, Sandra Bullock sent to me six pictures of gummy bears , and a picture of Tom Jones Saturday.

Hodwy folks, I hope you all had a wonderful Saturday! Today is on the 20th of June, Sandra Bullock sent to me six pictures of gummy bears , and a picture of Tom Jones Saturday. Today, I woke up late I know lucky me! Soon after waking up, I enjoyed Wasa crackers with Vegan cream cheese for breakfast. Soon after breakfast,I watched a show on Netflix about Lenox Hill hospital, and enjoyed spaghetti with sausage. I find the Lenox Hill hospital show very very interesting. After, watching the show for a while, it was time to attend another fabulous Felicity House event. It was so wonderful the event, we talked we laughed, we hung and it was just wonderful. Today, I had a really nice call with my father, soon after chatting with my father, I had the amazing opportunity of joining my mom in a Landmark event, and it was fabulous! On our break,I enjoyed a  nice dinner, for dinner, I had salad,chips,and hot dogs.After the event, I took a nice shower and then hung out with my mom. Tonight, I enjoyed two oranges and cookies, and it was absolutely wonderful. Overall, my wonderful friends it was a great day in my book don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer!