Friday, January 31, 2020

FryYay Yay! 👏

(Hello in Lingala) mbote, folks, Happy FryYay! Hope you all had a fantastic day! :) Today, I got up at a decent time and began my morning routine. For, breakfast I had a nice coconut yoghurt with granola. After I completed my morning routine I headed downstairs to wait for my life skills coach. While waiting for my life skills coach I took down some observations in my observation notebook. Finally, when my coach arrived we made our way to The Big Apple. Just like yesterday, we got there with a good amount of time to spare. Finally, it was time to start my amazing session with my amazing academic coach!! I was really happy :)! To, begin our session we started off by reviewing my homework, and the observations I took from yesterday and this morning. After, reviewing my homework I had to write about The Three Main Industries In Canada using the notes I took.  It was not easy writing about The Three Main Industries In Canada. Finally, when I was done writing about  The Three Main Industries In Canada, I worked on some reading comprehension. When, it was finally lunchtime I had a yummy meal, which included some nice sausages, some mushrooms I made the night before and some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. Unfortunately, to end our session we worked on math, it was not fun. When I was finished with my acedamic coach, my life skills coach and I headed to The Musem Of Illusions. Before we went to the museum we headed to the store by the museum so I could get a bottle of water. Then, after the store, it was finally time to head to the museum! The museum was really cool we saw really cool exhibits. I was even able to get two really awesome souvenirs! After we were finished at the museum we headed back to  Forest Hills, we took the express train and then transferred to a local train. Overall, my day was absolutely amazing! I hope you guys had an amazing FryYay as well!-... -.-- .     --··--     ..-. --- .-.. -.- ...     -.. --- -. ·----· -     ..-. --- .-. --. . -     - ---     - ..- -. .     .. -.     - --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .--     ..-. --- .-.     .- -. --- - .... . .-.     .- -- .- --.. .. -. --.     .- .-. ..     - .. --.. . .-.     -... .-.. --- --. -·-·--  Bye 👋, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog! 🍄  (In Morse Code)

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