Tuesday, March 24, 2020

On the 24th, of March, Uma Thurman sent to me three pictures of a veggie omelet and a picture of Fall Out Boy Tuesday.



Dinner yum! 
Welcome back to my famous blog friends! Today is on the 24th, of March, Uma Thurman sent to me three pictures of a veggie omelet and a picture of Fall Out Boy Tuesday. This morning I woke up bright and early. The first thing I did I woke up, was enjoyed some nice sausage, and blueberry coconut yoghurt with crushed up gluten-free cookies. Not too long after breakfast, I took my first shower of the day and boy was it wonderful. After my shower, I put my daily post on Facebook, soon after I put my daily post on Facebook it was time to start my session with my academic coach. The first thing we did was, I was an online documentary about London Bridge. Watching the documentary took up most of our session, so the final thing we did after watching a documentary on London Bridge, we worked on some math. Finally, when I was finished with my session with my coach, I doled out my medication for the next day. After I laid out my medication, for lunch today I had some more sausages and a raspberry coconut yoghurt, after lunchtime I took my second wonderful shower. After my shower, it was Golden Girls' time. Today, I was really tired 😴, so I took a break for a little while and took a nap. When I woke up from my nap, I video chatted with a friend,  and it was wonderful. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed meat sauce with sausages and gluten-free fettuccine.  (In Gujarati) Bye, folks, I love you all! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! xxxxxx Ari Tizer! 🥞🥞🥞🥩🍖🥪🥪🌭. બાય, લોકો, હું તમને બધાને પ્રેમ કરું છું!  દિવસના બીજા કલ્પિત એરિ ટાઇઝર બ્લોગ માટે આવતી કાલે ટ્યુન કરવાનું ભૂલશો નહીં!  xxxxxx એરી ટાઇઝર!  🥞🥞🥞🥩🍖🥪🥪🌭.