Tuesday, June 23, 2020

On the 23, of June, T.R. Knight sent to me three pictures of Tuna Salad Sandwiches and a picture of Zuccotto Tuesday.

Howdy y'all welcome back to the famous Ari Tizer blog! I'll be your host Ari Tizer. Today folks is well today, but today also is, on  the 23, of June, T.R. Knight sent to me three pictures of Tuna Salad Sandwiches and a picture of Zuccotto  Tuesday. Today, I woke up early again, soon after waking up I began my session with my coach. We started our session by chatting for a bit, I prepared my breakfast.  Today, for breakfast, I enjoyed a kind bar with coconut/almond milk a cup of orange juice, and a nice cup of decaffeinated Yorkshire tea. My session with my coach was really nice. We worked on social skills worksheets, I completed some light house work, and toward the end of our session, we watched vedios of my choice. After,my session with my coach, I prepared my lunch, and I watched Netflix for a while before my amazing Felicity House event. Finally, when it was time for the event, I enjoyed lunch, chatted with Felicity House community members, and enjoyed a fabulous lunch. For lunch, I had half an orange, carrots with French dressing,hard boiled eggs, Wasa Crackers, and since I had leftover French dressing I dipped it in my crackers. After,the amazing event, I hung out for a bit, listened to a Tony Robbins talk on Facebook live, and enjoyed some seafood. I know I'm lucky girl. Today, my family and I went on a nice outing,also during our outing I posted my daily posts on Facebook. After, our our outing, we came home I relaxed for a bit, and  chatted with my father. After, chatting with my father, I took a nice shower. Today,for dinner, I enjoyed a nice Chinese food dinner. Overall, my wonderful friends, it was a great day in my book! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love pancakes and all things good xx Ari Tizer!