Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Willing Wednesday's

Hot guy anyone?
I don't know do you know?
Alright, folks happy Hump day today is Willing  Wednesday's. Is there something you haven't been willing to do? Try and push yourself and be willing to do whatever is you need to do. How was your day folks? My day started off perfectly. Since I didn't have to ride in Access-A-Ride I was able to wake up a little later than I normally would. How did your day start off with my friends? For breakfast, I had some leftover pastrami egg foo young.  What did you guys have for breakfast? After my morning routine was completed I went downstairs and waited in the lobby of my building for my coach. She arrived early, so we just sat in the lobby until we had to head out. Then when we finally started our journey to the Big Apple it went pretty well. From 9 AM till 1 PM I spent some time with my favorite teacher, we worked on writing, reading.  I had a wonderful day with my coach For lunch today, I had some nice sausages. What did you guys, have for lunch? When my life skills coach picked me up at 1 PM we headed back to Queens. When I arrived home, I settled in and then we worked on my laundry. My life-skills coach did the folding and I put away my clothes. We also counted the Access-A-Ride money that I have, that I no longer need. Fortunately, my mom gave me some of that money, so thank you for that Bunny! With my life-skills coach, I also made part of my lunch and part of my breakfast. Today my life-skills coach made an exception of helping me out with the cooking since I had to dole out my meds, for the next two days.  When my life-skills coach left I completed my EBL homework. After I completed my homework I got ready for my shower. I took a nice hot, steamy shower it was lovely. I was able to rest for a little while before my gluten-free Chinese food arrived. What do you guys enjoy doing in the evenings? For dinner I had my usual gluten-free Chinese it was awesome! Some of the Chinese will be for my lunch with red lentil pasta, and some of it will be for my breakfast will red lentil pasta. Overall today was a great day hope you all had a great day just like I did! Catch ya later folks, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer Blog!
Yummy gluten-free pasta anyone?

I wish I had a $100.00 

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