Thursday, January 9, 2020

🐁happiness 🐻

Okay, folks happy Thursday! One more day till FryYay! 🐹🐻⏳ How was your day folks? 🐁😗⏳? Today was a lovely day for me. How was your day? How do you begin your day? To begin my day in access a ride I had a lovely hummus sandwich for breakfast. Then at 9 a.m. till noon  I got to spend some more wonderful time with my amazing academic coach, and I also had a lovely Chinese lunch. Then, on the way to my doctor's appointment in the cab, I started some of my academic homework When I got out of the cab, I struggled to make an online order for Starbucks but then I was finally able to make my order. So then I head over to Starbucks and I tell one of the Baristas my name and that for my coffee I would like my coconut milk steamed, the Barista also confirmed my order with me. I also got two mint tea's for my mom and my sister. While waiting to see the doctor I was able to do a little bit more homework. It was a great appointment. Then after my mom and I took a nice cab ride home, I then began service with my life skills coach when I came home the first thing I did when I came home was I laid out my outfit for the next day. I then made my breakfast for the next day another hummus sandwich. Afterwards,    I laid out my meds for the next day. Then much, later on, I took a shower to just kick back and relax. It was absolutely wonderful. Then after my life skills coach left I  finished up my homework.  Then I got to meet one of my new providers who is absolutely awesome and who I absolutely love, my family also really likes her as well. For dinner, as usual, I had gluten-free Chinese it was wonderful. Overall my day was pretty darn good 👍!!  Hope you all had a wonderful day.adiós amigos sintonicen mañana para otro blog increíble! bye folks tune in tomorrow for another awesome blog! (In Spanish)