Thursday, March 26, 2020

On the 26th, of March, Tammy MacIntosh sent to me Three pictures of Fairy Bread and a picture of Nicole da Silva Thursday.

Welcome back friends, and happy Thursday! Today is on the 26th, of March, Tammy MacIntosh sent to me Three pictures of Fairy Bread and a picture of Nicole da Silva Thursday. I hope you guys had a fabulous Thursday! This morning I woke early, the first thing I did this morning was I put my daily post on Facebook. After putting my daily post on Facebook, it was breakfast time for breakfast I enjoyed, one sausage, a blueberry coconut yoghurt, a gluten-free muffin,  and a nice cup of decaffeinated Earl Grey. After breakfast, I took my first shower of the day, and yes it was fabulous. After my first shower, I watched the Golden Girls for a little while, before beginning my session with my academic coach. My academic coach started something new with me, today I began a feelings journal, where I write how things make me feel. After writing in my feelings journal, I worked on reading comprehension. When I was finished working on reading comprehension, we worked on my strengths and weaknesses. When we were finished working on my strengths and weaknesses, it was lunchtime. For lunch today I enjoyed a raspberry coconut yoghurt, one, sausage and to drink I enjoyed some orange juice. After lunch, I watched a documentary on Autism. Today to wrap up our session,  I worked on some math. When I was finished with my academic coach, I took a short break before beginning my session with my life skills coach. My session with my life skills coach was really nice, we talked we catched up and it really was just great. After my session with my life skills coach was over, I took my second shower of the day, and it was fabulous just like the first one. After my second shower, I doled out my medication for the next day. Before dinner today I watched some more Golden Girls. I know if there was a Golden Girls award it would be awarded to me, I know hahaha you don't have to brag about it.  S̳a̳y̳o̳n̳a̳r̳a̳,̳ f̳r̳i̳e̳n̳d̳s̳,̳ t̳o̳d̳a̳y̳ w̳a̳s̳ a̳ w̳o̳n̳d̳e̳r̳f̳u̳l̳ d̳a̳y̳ i̳n̳ m̳y̳ n̳e̳i̳g̳h̳b̳o̳r̳h̳o̳o̳d̳!̳ D̳o̳n̳'̳t̳ f̳o̳r̳g̳e̳t̳ t̳o̳ t̳u̳n̳e̳ i̳n̳ t̳o̳m̳o̳r̳r̳o̳w̳ f̳o̳r̳ a̳n̳o̳t̳h̳e̳r̳ f̳a̳b̳u̳l̳o̳u̳s̳ A̳r̳i̳ T̳i̳z̳e̳r̳ b̳l̳o̳g̳ o̳f̳ t̳h̳e̳ d̳a̳y̳!̳ I̳ l̳o̳v̳e̳ y̳o̳u̳ a̳l̳l̳!̳ X̳x̳x̳ A̳r̳i̳ T̳i̳z̳e̳r̳!̳ 💕̳💕̳💕̳💕̳💟̳💯̳