Monday, February 24, 2020

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Whats good Madonna?

Aww ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฆ 
Aww ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
That's one pimped-out monkey.
Men in Black more like Monkeys in Black.
Grandpa monkey. 
Welcome back friends, hope you all had a great Monday! Today is the 24th of February Madonna sent me six pictures of monkeys and a picture of manicotti Monday. Today, I woke up bright and early! For breakfast, I enjoyed some nice egg salad, a nice cup of  Decaffeinated Irish Breakfast Tea. It was wonderful. I also got to watch The Golden Girls. This morning, since I had so much time to spare before I needed to leave the house, I laid out my clothes for the next day and doled out my medication for the next day. This morning I also put my daily song, question and word of the day on Facebook. It was definitely a productive morning. When I was finally done with my morning routine, I went downstairs and waited for my coach. When my coach arrived, we made our way to Te Big Apple. When we finally arrived at EBL, I put my things down and then had my coach sign something I needed her to sign. When my coach left, I had some time to spare before my academic coach arrived. When my academic coach arrived, we began our session by chatting. Also during this time, I snacked and drank my juice. When we were done chatting, we looked at my expenses. After looking at my expenses, it was math time. When math time was over, it was lunchtime! For lunch, I had a sweet potato patty on a gluten-free bun with, alfalfa, tomato, and, vegan gouda. After lunchtime, I worked on reading comprehension. When my day was over with my academic coach, my girl and I started our session. Today is my girl's birthday, so we had a birthday celebration. I bought her and myself a Starbucks. My girl bought a lemon tea cake, from By The way bakery. Then we went back to the pizzeria, she enjoyed her pizza, and we enjoyed the tea cake together. After my girl's birthday celebration, we made our way back to Queens. When we finally arrived at my house, we didn't have so much time before my girl left so we didn't do much. When my girl left, I began on part of my EBL homework, and then took a nice steamy shower. After my shower, I finished up my EBL homework. When I was finally done with my EBL, I relaxed and watched The Golden Girls. Today for dinner we had Chinese and it was fabulous. Overall, my friends, I had a wonderful day. I hope you guys did too! Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day! Adiรณs folks