Monday, April 13, 2020

On the 13th, of April, Madeleine Harris sent to me two pictures of porridge, and a picture of Idris Elba Monday.

(In Kyrgyz.). Welcome back my beautiful friends, and happy Monday! I, hope you guys had a great weekend, today is on the 13th, of April, Madeleine Harris sent to me two pictures of porridge, and a picture of Idris Elba Monday.  Менин сулуу досторума кайтып келип, дүйшөмбү күнүңүздөр менен! Бүгүн, 13-апрелде, балдар, жакшы дем алыш өткөрдү деп үмүттөнөм, Мадлен Харрис мага эки ботконун сүрөтүн жана Идрис Эльбанын сүрөтүн дүйшөмбү күнү жиберди.To begin my beautiful Monday, I posted my daily post on Facebook and then watched Scott & Bailey. Now I'm off to bed since it's literally 1 a.m. Today, for breakfast, while chatting with my life skills coach. For breakfast, I enjoyed a blueberry yoghurt with gluten-free cookies inside my yoghurt . I wasn't feeling well, so  I ended my session with my coach early. I basically did absolutely nothing the rest of the day. Something that was really nice that I can share with you guys is today, I enjoyed a nice sweet potato patty on a gluten-free bun, with alfalfa, vegan parmesan, and turkey bacon. It was absolutely wonderful. For dinner tonight, I had a turkey sandwich. I didn't do much after dinner. Later in the evening end my day, I took a nice shower. I don't have a lot to report today. I, hope you guys had a fabulous day! :) Thanks for being my fans, my beautiful friends! 

“When things are beyond your control and there is nothing you can do,why worry”
― Gaur Gopal Das, Life's Amazing Secrets: How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life

“You can find joy in practically any situation if you are open to the experience of happiness.”
― Morrie Schwartz, Morrie: In His Own Words

“Don’t cling to things because everything is impermanent.”

(In Romanian.) 
Bye, friends, I love you all! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow, for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! I love you all lots xx Ari Tizer <333!

La revedere, prieteni, te iubesc pe toate! Nu uitați să intonați mâine, pentru un alt fabulos blog Ari Tizer al zilei! Te iubesc pe toate xx Ari Tizer <333!