Saturday, February 1, 2020

Super Saturdays

Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Yeah, buddy!

.... .. --..-- / ..-. --- .-.. -.- ... / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / ... .- - ..- .-. -.. .- -.-- / - --- -.. .- -.-- / .. ... / ... ..- .--. . .-. / ... .- - ..- .-. -.. .- -.-- ... -.-.--   Hi, folks happy Saturday today is Super Saturdays! (In Morse Code) Today, for breakfast I had some nice sausages and a nice cup of decaffeinated Irish Breakfast Tea. I did not have lunch. This morning,  I also watched Keeping Up  With The Kardashians! It was absolutely amazing!  When my friend arrived at my house, we hung out a little bit then, went to Martha's and other stores🇸🇻. After we went everywhere we wanted to go we took a nice walk back to my house. When we arrived, back at my place, I settled in then took a nice shower. After, my shower my girl Norma and I made brownies!!! Yum!! My mom, my sister, my girl and I all had dinner together, my sister had soup and my mom my girl and I had some gluten-free Chinese it was absolutely amazing! For, dessert we had some of the yummy brownies we made it was great! Overall, my day was filled with great times!!!!! 
Saturday Yeah Buddy!!

Happy Saturday <3 
Haii <3
Martha's anyone?
Iced Coffee anyone?
Brownie anyone?
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