Tuesday, June 2, 2020

On the 2nd of June, Justin Timberlake sent to me two pictures of peanut butter and banana pancakes,and a picture of octopus Tuesday.

Welcome back friend's and happy Tuesday. Today is on  the 2nd of June, Justin Timberlake sent to me two pictures of peanut butter and banana pancakes,and a picture of octopus Tuesday. Today, to begin my day took a nice shower , and then posted my daily post's on Facebook. Soon after posting my daily post's, I headed to bed since it was really late. Today, I got to sleep in I know I'm a lucky girl, soon after waking up I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast, I had eggs , sausage and gluten-free vegan cheesecake , and it was fabulous! Not too long after breakfast, I enjoyed some more gluten-free vegan cheese cake, and then then we hit the road. Today, before leaving Myrtle Beach we went souvenir shopping in Myrtle Beach South, and my sister also went costal gem mining in Myrtle Beach South, it was fabulous my sister and I both loved it. After hanging out in Myrtle Beach South for a while, we hit the road again and stayed on the road for a couple of hours until we got hungry. We stopped for food, ate dinner in the car and then hit the road again. Tonight, we parked our tired little butts in a motel in the lovers state, and then in the morning my family and I will be heading back to The Big Apple. Soon after settling in to the motel,I took a nice shower. Bye, my lovely friends, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day lot's of love Ari Tizer!