Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sup Saturdays

Pizza anyone?<3

Today is the  Chinese New Year so to anyone who celebrates Chinese New Year Happy New Year! Today, I began my day by laying out my medication for the next two days. After, laying out my medication, I had a yummy sausage breakfast. After breakfast I took a nice hot shower it was fantastic! For, lunch today I had some more sausages. For, a snack I nice a nice cuppa (I had a nice cup of decaffeinated Irish Breakfast Tea and a yummy snickerdoodle.) Also, for a snack, I had some tasty dark chocolate. For dinner, I enjoyed some nice gluten-free Chinese with my mama.  , olksfay , iyay adhay ayay eatgray aturdaysay . iyay openly ouyay idday assay always. Monday orgetfay Otay unetay inyay omorrowtay orfay anotheryay awesomeyay ariyay izertay ogblay ! Overall, folks, I had a great Saturday. I hope you did as well. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer blog! (In Pig 🐖 Latin)

What did the mermaid wear to math class?

An algae-bra.

 like bowling.

Seriously, it’s right up my alley.
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo’ drizzle.
What time is it when you have to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurtie.
What does a nosey pepper do? Get jalapeño business.
Hugs <3


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