Friday, March 13, 2020

On the 13th, of March 2020,Freddie Highmore sent to me one picture of Johnny Deep , and a picture of a Clarinet Friday.

Welcome back friends, today is on the 13th, of March 2020, Freddie Highmore sent to me one picture of Johnny Deep and a picture of a Clarinet Friday. I hope you all had a fantastic FryYay and a great week! Today I woke up early, relaxed in bed and put my daily song, question, and word of the day on Facebook. I got to take a nice walk to CVS with my little sister. When we arrived home, I took a nice shower. After my shower, I watched the fabulous Golden Girls, when I was done watching The Golden Girls, it was snack time for my nice snack 🍩 I enjoyed a nice gluten-free vegan cookie, I also had some hot chocolate I made as well.  After snack time and got chocolate time was over, I relaxed 😌some more. When it was finally time to start session with my favorite teacher, we began our wonderful session by working on some reading comprehension. When I was finished working on reading comprehension for the remainder of our session we worked on writing sentences. When my session with my favorite teacher it was that time once again Golden Girls time.For dinner tonight, I enjoyed some nice Chinese food. After dinner, I doled out my medication for the next day.  
What do you call dudes who love math?
Why should you never talk to Pi?
Because he’ll go on and on and on forever.
How do you make time fly?
Throw a clock out the window!

. What did one math book say to the other?

Don’t bother me. I’ve got my own problems!

. What do you call a man who spent all summer at the beach?

A tangent. (A tan gent.) 

(In French)Dans l'ensemble, mes amis, ce fut une journée fabuleuse dans mon quartier, n'oubliez pas de vous connecter demain pour un autre fantastique blog Ari Tizer de la journée!
Overall friends, it was a fabulous day in my neighborhood don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fantastic Ari Tizer blog of the day! 