Monday, February 3, 2020

Music 🎧Monday 💅✍🦴

Sing  Sing a song SrulophSzkkbNlmwzbSlkvblfzooszwztivzgwzbGlwzbrhNfhrxNlmwzb (Hi, folks, Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great day! Today, is Music Monday!) (In Cryptii) What did you folks do today? To, begin my day I had a nice Pastrami sandwich on gluten-free bread. Then, after breakfast, I finished up my morning routine and, then, headed downstairs to wait for my coach. Finally, when my coach arrived we made our way to The City That Never Sleeps.  When we finally arrived at EBL my coach signed out and then headed out.  When my academic coach arrived we began our session. I had a couple of things I needed to show her so we looked at that. After that, we worked on my Coursera class of law. After, that when it was lunchtime  I had another Pastrami Sandwich on gluten-free bread. For, dessert I had some yummy snickerdoodles.  When I was done with my acedamic coach, my girl Nao picked me and we took a nice walk. On our journey, Nao and I stopped at a bubble tea shop, it was awesome! Also, on our travels, we went to Whole Foods. (My mom likes to call Whole Foods whole paycheck haha.) At Whole Foods, I purchased pasta sauce and gluten-free pasta.  Nao and I also got some Enjoy Life Chocolate Bars. After, Whole Foods we made our way to the Q train. We took the  Q train to Lexington Avenue 63rd street station. From Lexington 63rd street station we took the express to Forest Hills and then took the local one-stop back. Thankfully, we got home before my girl Nao had to leave. When we arrived at the house Nao and I  got to spend some more quality time together, it was fabulous. When Nao left I  doled out my medication for the next day. After, doling out my medication I took a nice shower. Then, after, my shower I worked on my EBL homework. Finally, when I was done with my homework I got to relax and watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians! For, dinner my beautiful mamma and I had some nice Chinese food. A little, while after dinner I completed my chore. Overall, my friends, it was a lovely day, I hope you all had an amazing Monday! (goodbye in Indonesian)Selamat tinggal! folks, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day!
It's time to beat that beat up! 
Image result for monday"
Monday! Fun Day!
Facts About Monday
It's Monday!!