Sunday, January 26, 2020

Silly Sundays

Cabs are here!

Look at this huge egg! 

Mmmm bacon. Mmm Sausage...

home alone

Γειά σου (Hello in Greek) . How,are you folks today? Today is Silly Sunday. What's the silliest thing you folks have ever done? I hope you guys had a nice weekend,and a nice Sunday. Today, I had a nice brunch .What did you guys have for breakfast, and or brunch, and or a late lunch? After, brunch I took out the garbage and reycle. A little while after I was done with the garbage and recyle ;I headed to the shower my shower was really nice. For lunch today I had some yummy gluten-free Chinise food it was delish.  What did you guys have for lunch? Today, I had a nice cup of decaffeinated  Irish Breakfast Tea it was awesome. Later, in the day my mom and I  had some nice Chinese soup for dinner.   We also watched a movie called Healing Voices, which is about mental illness it's quite sad how bad the  Mental Health System in the United States is.    !Overall folks, it was a nice relaxing day at home. What did you folks do today and this weekend? Bener, wong ora lali yen bakal sesuk ing blog Ari Tizer sing luar biasa dina iki! bye, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing  Ari Tizer blog of the day! (In Javanese)