Saturday, June 6, 2020

On the 6th of June, Selenis Leyva sent to me six pictures of Icecream Sandwiches and a picture of PB & J Oreo's Saturday.

selenis leyva - Google Search … | Orange is the new black, Selenis ...

Welcome back friend's and happy Saturday!   Today is on  the 6th of  June, Selenis Leyva sent to me six pictures of    Icecream  Sandwiches and a picture of PB & J Oreo's Saturday. The first thing I did to begin my Saturday was, I watched a movie that I began a couple of days ago, and enjoyed gluten-free cookies. After a while, I took a break and posted my daily post on Facebook, after posting my daily posts, I headed to bed since it was really late. Today, I slept in I know I'm a lucky girl. When I woke up, I relaxed for a while, and then had an awesome call with one the old principal's from a former school I attended, and the call was absolutely wonderful! After my call with my old principal, I participated in a Felicity House call which was also wonderful. After the Felicity House call, I enjoyed  a nice lunch made by my mom .When, I was finished with lunch, I called my father and had a really nice chat with him. When, I was done talking to my father , I got ready for a Landmark zoom call that my mom invited me to, the call was awesome, it's so nice to be apart of a community. Also, during the call I snacked on a kind bar. After a while, we took a break, and during our break I finished up my movie. Also, during our break I enjoyed egg roll soup that my mom made. After the call, I relaxed and then took a nice shower. Overall friends, it was a fabulous day in Ari Tizer Land! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer!