Sunday, June 7, 2020

On the 7th of June, Sia sent to me six pictures of Boston Buns and, a picture of Anzac biscuits Sunday.

Welcome back ,  my wonderful friends, Today is on the 7th of June,  Sia sent to me six pictures of Boston Buns and, a picture of Anzac biscuits Sunday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! To begin my day,I posted my daily posts on Facebook,and then went to bed. Today, I woke up late again.I know lucky me! Today, since I woke up late and it was the lunch time hour, I had a pre lunch appetizer. For a  pre-lunch appetizer, I enjoyed wasa crackers, a cup of coffee, and enjoyed a cup of coccunt milk and almond milk combined , and it was wonderful. Also, during this time, I began watching this nice movie called Like Crazy, I like the movie so far. Finally, it was lunch time! For lunch, I enjoyed gluten-free General Tsos chicken and gluten-free free Sesame Chicken  with brown rice and white rice. After lunch, I doled out my meds for the next day, and then got ready for the shower. After, I took a shower,I relaxed. Overall, my fellow friends it was a very nice day in my book.