Monday, January 27, 2020

Mathy Monday's

Whattttttttt?? Can anyone solve this problem?
Alrighty then, folks, welcome back to another awesome, edition of The Ari Tizer blog. I'm your host Ari Tizer.💜💜💜💜💙 This morning, I woke up with enough time to complete my morning routine. Since my morning  routine went so well, I even had enough time to take out the garbage and recycle.  For breakfast, I had a nice hummus sandwich. What did you folks have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? At 7:30 AM, my travel trainer and I began our journey to The Big Apple. When we finally arrived at my academic tutoring center,  I settled in  and put my lunch,and  water bottle away.  Also, during this time, I took out the things I might need for the day.  The doorbell rings, it's finally that time I get to start my session with my favorite teacher. I had a great time with my academic coach.  During my academic coaching session today,  my team and  I all had a call; it went pretty well. Also during my team call I ate lunch. For lunch, I had a hummus sandwich,some sausages, and some yummy Snickerdoodles for dessert. When my time was over with my favorite teacher, my other coach Nao picked me up, and we took a long walk. On our journey, Nao and I went to By The Way Bakery to get some yummy treats. In Starbucks, Nao and I drank some nice coffee and ate some nice By The Way Bakery treats.   We also stopped in different places, like an old fashioned kitchenette. We also saw some really cool pictures in the window of an art gallery/frame shop. .On, the train, I saw a cool dance performance. When I arrived home a little while after Nao left, I completed my academic homework, then doled out my meds for the next day, and then took a shower. For dinner, I had a lovely dish of chicken with potatoes and onions, and French green beans. To make things better, the whole meal was organic. Overall, folks, today was an excellent day! I hope you folks had a great day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer Blog! Sala kakuhle (goodbye in Xhosa)
Preach  Einstein!!!