Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tell me something good Tuesday's

Yes, be a rainbow, not a cloud. 
Happy thoughts only!
Hello folks, I hope you all had an amazing Tuesday! :) To begin my day I ate breakfast, and then, completed the other tasks I needed to get done. What's your morning routine like folks? From 9 am till 1 pm I had my awesome academic coach, we worked on some reading, some math and of course some writing. On my lunch break, I had some nice gluten-free Chinese food it was delish! What did you folks have for lunch? Today I meet one of the new staff on my team that will my new AM travel training coach for part of the week, the other part of the week will be my life-skills coach, plus the new staff was really nice plus, to make things even better is that she lives close to me! Thankfully for me, I will be beginning with the travel training tomorrow! No more Access-A-Ride no more shared rides as queen slay! My new staff didn't stay very long. After she left my life-skills coach and I completed somethings I needed to do to get ready for tomorrow. When my life skills coach left,  I doled out my medication, and then went a took a nice steamy hot shower. It was brilliant! After my shower I completed my EBL homework, I think it's pretty darn good. I had a very lite dinner. What did you folks have for dinner? Folks I gotta ask what was the best part about your day? Who inspires you, what inspires you? What makes you happy when your feeling blue? Overall, folks, I hope you had a wonderful day I know I did!  does, Mensen hopen dat Je een geweldige dinsdag hebt gehad, vergeet niet af te stemmen op morgen voor nog een geweldige Ari Tizer-blog! (In Dutch)How do you stay warm in an empty room?
A: Go stand in the corner—it’s always 90 degrees.  Which U.S. state is famous for its extra-small soft drinks?
A. Mini-soda!

Hot chocolate anyone?