Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Well, Hello 👋 there Wednesday's,  hello there folks. Today is Well, Hello there Wednesday's. I hope you all, had a wonderful day! Today, I got up nice and early! To, begin my day I took my backpack, my jacket, and my sweatshirt out of my room. For, breakfast I had a nice coconut yogurt with granola. At 7:30 AM,  my coach and I headed out to the Big Apple. Thankfully we got there with a little bit of time to spare. Also, when we got there my coach filled out her timesheet.  When it was finally, 9 AM I got to start my session with my amazing academic coach. After she settled in I gave her a piece of the chocolate chip banana bread I made. During a break my coach and I, snack on my delicious banana bread. Today, we worked on mostly writing. Every day, I will have to write specific observations about people. At 1 PM, when my life skills coach picked me up, we headed back to Queens. When we arrived back at my house; I ran upstairs and got the things we needed to go shopping. After I grabbed the things we needed, I walked down the stairs with the cart in my hand. When I, arrived downstairs we made our way to the supermarket, to buy some water. When I finally, arrived home I settled in and then took a nice shower. After, my shower my life skills coach and I worked on schedule. At 4 PM, when my coach left I began on my EBL homework. First, I wrote the observations that I wrote down in my phone in my notebook. Then, I completed the rest of my EBL  homework, which was a descriptive photograph homework. Finally, when my homework was complete I was able to rest. During dinner, while my mom and my sister ate, I played some nice songs off of YouTube. Afterwards, despite me not having dinner  I had a yummy sweet treat. Overall, it was a great day! I, hope you guys had a great day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer Blog of the day!
Hello there!

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