Sunday, May 3, 2020

On the 3rd of May, Arnold Schwarzenegger sent to me six pictures of Ezekiel Bread , and a picture of a sweet potato Sunday.

Arnold Schwarzenegger on His Return as the Terminator, Keeping Fit ...

Ezekiel Bread - Church Health Reader
7 Great Reasons to Add Sprouted Grain Bread to Your Diet
7 Great Reasons to Add Sprouted Grain Bread to Your Diet

Ezekiel bread recipe - All recipes UK
loaf of sliced sprouted grain bread on a cutting board with vegetables in the background
Benefits of Ezekiel Bread | YouBeauty

The best book covers from 1820 to 1914 include a sweet potato ...

Welcome back, friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Today is on the  3rd of May, Arnold Schwarzenegger sent to me six pictures of Ezekiel Bread , and a picture of a sweet potato Sunday.l :) . The first thing I did to begin my Sunday was I posted my daily post on Facebook.For a late night snack, I enjoyed tortilla chips  with ketchup and vegan mozzarella on the chips, while watching Scott & Bailey and it was absolutely wonderful :) . Know I'm headed to bed since it's really late. Today , I woke up late,soon after waking up I doled out my medication. After,doling out my medication, I had a nice brunch, a double burger on a gluten free bun with vegan mozzarella, and pickles , it was wonderful. My mom and my sister made a hash so I had some of that too. After brunch, I took a nice shower and it was fabulous.Today I participated in Read-Along of ALL IN THE TIMING by David Ives, I didn’t really like it but it was nice to try something new. During the call, I did some writing. After the call I finished the rest of the hash my mom & sister made. Today, I enjoyed a Udi’s blueberry muffin cake more like a blueberry muffin milkshake while watching Scott & Bailey, and it was awesome!l Bye, friends, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer xx🦑🦚.