Thursday, June 18, 2020

On the 18th, of April, Teri Hatcher sent to me two pictures of caramelized onions,and a picture of her daughter Emerson Tenney Thursday.

Howdy, folks today is well today. But today also is on the the 18th, of April,  Teri Hatcher sent to me two pictures of  caramelized onions,and a picture of her daughter Emerson Tenney Thursday. Today, I woke up early, I hung out with my mom for a little bit, and then watched a show about Lenox Hill Hospital on Netflix, the show is quite interesting. Soon after watching the show, I began my session with my coach. Today, with my coach we mostly talked, and I began making a vision board. Also during my session, I enjoyed a nice pasta bake that my beautiful mom made for breakfast. Soon after breakfast, I enjoyed a nice cup of tea. After, my session with my coach,I relaxed and then did some lunch prep. Finally it was time for me amazing Felicity House event. During the event, we chatted about different things, answered different questions, and had an overall fantastic time. Also, during the event I enjoyed a nice lunch, for lunch I enjoyed two oranges,carrots with mayo, a Wasa cracker with vegan cream cheese, and cookies for dessert, and it was absolutely wonderful. After the event, I relaxed, and then helped sorted laundry. After sorting laundry, I took a nice shower, and then began posting my daily posts on Facebook.When it was dinner time, I took a pause from my posts and enjoyed a nice Chinese food dinner. After dinner, I finished posting my daily posts on Facebook. Catch ya later folks, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Wishing you lots of iced coffee, bacon , cookies sushi, and all good things. Lot's of love Ari Tizer. 😘😍💛