Thursday, February 27, 2020

On the 27th of February, Travis Scott sent to me twelve pictures of Caitlyn Jenner and and a picture of chocolate pudding Thursday.

Aww, how adorable. ๐Ÿค—
Get it Catylin ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ”–๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’…
 Yeah, I'm going to take my family to the Old Town Road I'm going to ride till I can't no more I got the bacon than the back kids under attack.
Shut up I'm Caitlyn Jenner.
Chocolate pudding anyone?

Welcome back friends and, happy Thursday! One more day until Friday, woohoo! This morning I work up nice and early. To begin my day I completed my chore and took out the garbage and the. Today for breakfast,  I enjoyed some nice Chinese food and a nice cup decaffeinated  Irish Breakfast tea. When I ! ! ! was done with my morning routine, I headed downstairs and waited for my coach. When my coach finally arrived, we made our way to the Big Apple. When we arrived in Manhattan,  we made a stop to Fresh and Co, so I could pick up the lovely order that I purchased for my fabulous, acedamic coach. After we were done in Fresh & Co, we made our way to EBL. Since I didn't have a lot of time before my academic coach arrived, I had to settle in pretty quickly. Finally, when my academic coach did arrive,  I gave her the order that I purchased for her, and she absolutely loved it!  To begin our session today, we went over my homework.  After reviewing my homework, I made an outline on the homework assignment I had from the night before, that I would be using to complete tonight's homework. After I was finished making an outline, I worked on some reading comprehension. When I was finished with reading comprehension, I enjoyed my delicious lunch from Fresh & Co it was fabulous! After I had lunch, I briefly worked on math to wrap up our session. When it was time for me to go back with my life skills coach, we made our way back to Forest Hills. When we arrived back at my house, I took a break and then began working on the tasks in the house that needed to be done. After I completed three tasks, I took a nice shower and that was fabulous! After my shower, I made my bed Today my friends, was my lucky day I had a credit on my account so my order was free!  I know I'm a very lucky ๐Ÿ€girl... While we were waiting for my delivery, I practiced some mindfulness and it was very calming. When my order finally arrived, I had my General Tso's chicken as early dinner, it was delish.  After I was done eating my amazing General Tso's chicken I did some more mindfulness for a little while, and then we looked at possible volunteer opportunities for me.  Overall, my friends, it was an absolutely fabulous day don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day! addio