Saturday, March 21, 2020

On the 21st, of March Sam Lloyd sent to me six pictures of Cheese Curds and a picture of Paletas Saturday.

Bonjour folks, how are you today? I hope you all had a wonderful Saturday. Today is on the   21st, of March, Sam Lloyd sent to me six pictures of Cheese Curds and a picture of Paletas Saturday. Today I got to sleep in, I know lucky me! When I finally woke up, I completed my chore. After I completed my chore, I took a nice shower. After my shower, I had a dance party/jam out session and oh boy it was wonderful! After my dance party/jam out session, I enjoyed a nice cup of Earl Grey while helping my sister create a PowerPoint.Today I enjoyed a nice brunch my mom made fried eggs, with homemade home fires with kale and some turkey bacon, fabulous I know! After brunch, I took another nice shower. After my second shower, it was that time again Golden Girls time, also during this time, I put my daily post on Facebook. Today for a snack, I enjoyed tortilla chips and dip, I also got to watch Law and Order SVU during snack time it was great. Today for dinner I had homemade chicken soup. I watched a nice movie called Where'd You Go, Bernadette, it was a good movie. After my chicken soup dinner, I had a hummus sandwich. After I had my sandwich, it was Golden Girls' time again, after Golden Girl's time was over I took my last shower of the day. (In Welsh)Overall, my friends, it was a fabulous day in my neighborhood don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fantastic Ari Tizer blog of the day! I love you all xxx Ari Tizer! ✌🌹🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏘🏘🏘🏚Ar y cyfan, fy ffrindiau, roedd yn ddiwrnod gwych yn fy nghymdogaeth peidiwch ag anghofio tiwnio i mewn yfory ar gyfer blog gwych arall y dydd Ari Tizer!  Rwy'n caru chi i gyd xxx Ari Tizer!  ✌🌹🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏘🏘🏘🏚