Friday, May 1, 2020

On the 1st of May 2020, Fran Drescher sent me four pictures of Babka and a picture of a Challah Bread Friday.

Chocolate Babka in a Bundt Tin - PrincessTafadzwa

Cheesecake Babka | Martha Stewart
Apricot Cream Cheese Babka | Brown Eyed Baker
Challah Bread (Round Challah and 6 Strand Challah) :: Home Cooking ...

(In German.) Welcome back my wonderful friends, and Happy Friday! Today is, on the 1st of May 2020,  Fran Drescher sent me four pictures of   Babka and a picture of a Challah Bread Friday.  Willkommen zurück, meine wundervollen Freunde, und einen schönen Freitag! Heute, am 1. Mai 2020, hat mir Fran Drescher vier Bilder von Babka und ein Bild von einem Challa-Brot-Freitag geschickt. Hiya folks, I hope you all had a wonderful week.  Today, I woke up late, upon waking up I began my session with my life skills coach. During our session, I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast, I had a raspberry coconut yoghurt with blueberries inside the yoghurt, and vanilla granola, and a nice cup of decaf coffee, and it was wonderful! Today with my coach, I talked about my day, we reviewed and, practiced interviewing questions. To wrap up our session, I practiced some meditation which was really relaxing. Overall, my session with my coach was awesome. After my session, I had some spare time before my awesome writing call. So during my spare time, I enjoyed a lovely vegan grilled cheese on gluten-free bread, and a side of chips, it was wonderful. Finally, it was time for me to begin my awesome writing zoom call. Today, I was able to share, and people enjoyed my writing. After the call, I posted my daily post on Facebook, when I was done posting my daily post on Facebook, I took a nice shower. Soon after my shower, I enjoyed some Italian Wedding Soup with gluten-free bread inside the soup it was wonderful, also during dinner, I watched my favorite show Scott & Bailey. Tonight, I participated in online Shabbat services. The services brought me back to my camp day. I absolutely loved the services. During the services, I also enjoyed gluten-free cookies, and it was fabulous. Not too long after the services, I enjoyed an after-dinner snack my sister made, broccoli, eggs, and a sweet potato. I also enjoyed some more gluten-free cookies. Overall, my wonderful friends, I had a fabulous day, I hope you all did too! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another wonderful Ari Tizer blog of the day! <33 Lots of love xx Ari Tizer!