Wednesday, April 1, 2020

On April Fool's Day 2020,Marlon Wayans sent to me there pictures of Cheesecake and a picture of Eddie Murphy Wednesday.

Welcome back, friends, and 
Happy April Fool's Day. Today is, on April Fool's Day 2020, Marlon Wayans sent to me three pictures of Cheesecake and a picture of Eddie Murphy Wednesday. This morning, I woke up early, soon after waking up,  put my daily post on Facebook, after posting my daily post on Facebook I took my first shower of the day. After my shower, I watched my last episode of the Golden Girls, it's sad I know. Today, I also enjoyed a nice of decaffeinated Earl Grey. Today, I relaxed with my beautiful mom and helped her with the shopping list, I also wrote in my feelings journal.  For breakfast today, I enjoyed two fried eggs and some nice fried bread it was fabulous! After breakfast, I took my first shower of the day. After my shower, I watched my last episode of  The Golden Girls, it's really sad I know, so if anyone knows of any good shows on Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video please let me know   Before I began my session with my life skills coach, I took my second shower of the day, it was just as wonderful as the first one  After my shower, I began watching a new show on Hulu, it seems good so far, soon after watching my new show, it was dinner time.  Today for a pre-dinner appetizer, I had vegan cream cheese on gluten-free bread it was fantastic. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed a nice pasta meal made by my beautiful mother. After dinner, I took my last shower of the day. Overall, my fabulous friends it was a wonderful day in my neighborhood don't forget to tune in for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! I love you all xx Ari Tizer <3