Sunday, May 31, 2020

On the 30th, of May Sunny Sandler sent to me six pictures of popcorn shrimp and a picture of Sun Chip's Sunday.

Welcome back friend's and happy Sunday! I hope you all had  a wonderful family! Today, I woke up late I know lucky me. Soon after waking up, I continued watching the movie I continued watching the movie I began  the other day, I also enjoyed chips while watching the movie.Today, I enjoyed a nice brunch with my family, before heading to the new Air b n b. After brunch, I posted my daily post on Facebook. Today, before heading to the new air b and b we stopped at a supermarket in town. Our mom literally got us whatever we wanted , I know we're lucky girls.When we finally got to the new air b and b, we brought our thing's upstairs, got settled in, and then I headed to the shower. After my shower, I watched some TV,and enjoyed a turkey stick, and a cup of decaffeinated Irish breakfast tea, and it was wonderful. Soon after TV and snack time, it was dinner time. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed spaghetti bolognese with sausage made by my beautiful mom! Overall, my wonderful friends it was a fabulous day in book! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day xx ❤️😘💜☺️! 

Friday, May 29, 2020

On the 29th, of May Jimmy Fallon, sent to me four pictures of Garlic Knots and a picture of a Croissant Friday.

Jimmy Fallon

Italian Garlic Knots Recipe -

Buffalo Garlic Knots

Homemade Garlic Knots

Soft Garlic Knots with Homemade Pizza Dough - Kitchen @ Hoskins
French croissants -

Welcome back friends and happy FryYay! Today is on the 29th,  of May Jimmy Fallon, sent to me four pictures of Garlic Knots and a picture of a Croissant Friday. Today, I woke up bright and early, soon after waking up I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast,  I had Pho soup and it was absolutely wonderful!  Not too long after breakfast, I began session with my life skills coach. During my session with my coach, I enjoyed raspberries, a wasa cracker with hummus, and a cup of coffee. Today, my coach and I had a pretty chill day.   After, my session with my coach, I relaxed for a bit and then had a late lunch,  For lunch, I enjoyed a banana and an avocado sandwich. After lunch, it was movie time, during movie time I enjoyed sweet potato chips with ketchup, and it was awesome! Soon after, finishing the movie, I talked to my mom's friend Lisa which was awesome, I love talking to her <3 After, talking to my mom's friend Lisa, I posted my daily post on Facebook. Not too long after posting my daily post, it was dinner time. For dinner, I enjoyed salad, hot dogs with gluten-free bread, and potatoes, and for dessert, I had one chocolate chip cookie.  After dinner, I took a nice shower. Overall, my wonderful friends, it was another great day here in Myrtle Beach South Carolina, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lots of love Ari Tizer xx <3! 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

On the 28th of May, Tristan Thompson, sent to me three pictures, of seafood salad, and a picture of an Oreo cake Thursday.

Tristan Thompson Reportedly Takes DNA Test After Woman Claims to ...Thai Seafood Salad Recipe | MyRecipes
Italian Seafood Salad | Martha Stewart'
Seafood Salad (Antipasti di Mare)
Brownie Oreo Cake Recipe - With Oreo Buttercream Frosting

Welcome back, my wonderful friends today is, on the 28th of May, Tristan Thompson,  sent to me three pictures, of seafood salad, and a picture of an Oreo cake Thursday. Today, I woke up early, soon after waking up, I had breakfast. For breakfast, I had Wasa Crackers & hummus, a cup of orange juice, and a cup of coffee,  it was absolutely wonderful. After breakfast, I posted my daily post on Facebook, soon after posting my daily post, I chatted with my mom's friend Lisa, and it was awesome! After my call with Lisa, it was lunchtime, for lunch I had meatballs, more Wasa crackers with hummus, and another cup of coffee. During this time, I also began watching the Jonas Brother's movie Chasing Happiness, I haven't seen the whole movie but, it seems like a good movie so far.  After watching a good chunk of the movie, I took a break and doled out my medication for the next day. After, doling out my medication, I relaxed.  Today, my family and I enjoyed a nice afternoon/ evening out. We went to the souvenir shop, we went for a nice meal out, everything was just awesome folks! I hope you all had a wonderful day, I know I did! I love you all don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day lots of love Ari Tizer!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

On the 27th of May Henry Winkler sent to me a picture of roses and a picture of an Elephant Wednesday.

5 Too-Cool Facts About Henry Winkler | Mental Floss

Rose Color Meanings: 12 Shades & What They Symbolize | FiftyFlowers
A very cute baby elephant with his trunk out - License, download ...

Welcome back friends and happy Hump day! Today is on the 27th of May Henry Winkler sent to me a picture of roses and a picture of an Elephant Wednesday.  I hope you all had a fantastic Wednesday! :), it was another fantastic day here in  South Carolina. Today, I woke up late again, I know lucky me. When I  woke up, I relaxed, I posted my daily post on Facebook, spent some time with my lovely family. When it was time to begin session with my life skills coach, I enjoyed a cup of coffee and oatmeal. Today, my coach and I had a values discussion, worked on a communication worksheet, but yeah overall my session with my coach was nice. After, my session with my coach, I enjoyed a fried egg, a cup of coffee hash, and orange juice, while participating in an amazing writing zoom call.  Yes, folks I know two cups of coffee I'm a daredevil don't call the coffee police on me. After, the zoom call it was snack time & movie time. I enjoyed Wasa crackers & hummus while watching Take Me Home on Prime Video. After, a while I took a break and made myself a pre-dinner appetizer. For, a pre-dinner appetizer I enjoyed French Toast, bacon, and an orange. After my appetizer,  I took a nice shower and then relaxed some more. Tonight, I enjoyed a nice Chinese food dinner with my lovely family, after dinner I took my second shower of the day, and it was wonderful just like the first one. After my second shower, I went back to watching, my movie, I didn't finish the movie, I'll most likely finish it tomorrow. Byₑ, fᵣᵢₑₙdₛ, ᵢ ₗₒᵥₑ yₒᵤ ₐₗₗ dₒₙ'ₜ fₒᵣgₑₜ ₜₒ ₜᵤₙₑ ᵢₙ ₜₒₘₒᵣᵣₒw fₒᵣ ₐₙₒₜₕₑᵣ fₐbᵤₗₒᵤₛ ₐᵣᵢ ₜᵢzₑᵣ bₗₒg ₒf ₜₕₑ dₐy! ₗₒₜ'ₛ ₒf ₗₒᵥₑ ₐₙd bₐcₒₙ ₓₓ ₐᵣᵢ ₜᵢzₑᵣ <₃!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

On the 26th, of May, Tobey Maguire sent to me two pictures of vegan pizza and a picture of people playing chess.

Welcome back friends I'm coming to you Live from Myrtle Beach South Carolina, and let me just tell you folks it's fabulous here. We have a nice view of the water we have everything. Also folks wanna guess what today is? (Zebra girl with bed head screaming Ari Tizer today is,on the 26th, of May, Tobey Maguire sent to me two pictures of vegan  pizza and a picture of people playing chess.   Bingo you're absolutely right zebra hat with bed head girl , today is on the 26th, of May, Tobey Maguire sent to me two pictures of vegan  pizza and a picture of people playing chess.  Since you answered the question  you get a  prize, you're is free waffles for life!  Early this morning, I posted my daily post on Facebook , and enjoyed gluten-free cookies! After posting my daily post, I headed to bed since it was really late. Today, I got to sleep in I know lucky me! Today,was another relaxing day. Today, I did a lot of snacking. I enjoyed Wasa crackers and gauc, I enjoyed a nice coffee.Today, I watched part of a movie. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed scrambled eggs, pork bacon, carrots and hummus, and satued kale. Overall, my wonderful friends it was a great day in my book! 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Oh the 25th of May Michael Phelps sent to me a picture of a Meatball sub, and a picture of his son Boomer Robert Phelps.


Welcome back my wonderful friends, and happy Monday! Today is, on the 25th of May Michael Phelps sent to me a picture of a Meatball  sub, and a picture of his son Boomer Robert Phelps. I hope you all had a nice memorial day weekend!  Today, I slept in, it was nice to sleep in, but also weird to not wake up in my bed. When I finally got out of bed, I relaxed and then enjoyed  a pre breakfast appetizer. For a pre breakfast appetizer, I snacked on some Wasa crackers. Soon after my appetizer , I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast I had,  some Wasa crackers with hummus,an avacado and a mango. After breakfast, I chilled, and I also posted my daily on Facebook. Today, I also enjoyed a nice cup of coffee from Starbucks. Today, I enjoyed a nice carnitas bowl from chipotle for a late lunch. After lunch, we headed to the beach, and let me tell you, our time at the beach was great, we laughed, we saw the sea, we didn't have to wear masks, and oh my God, shawty it was absolutely wonderful. When we came back from the beach, I took a nice shower.  Tonight, for a late dinner I enjoyed a pasta dish 😺😀🐹😄😊☺️.Overall, my fabulous friend's it was a great day in my book. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer xx 💪🧸💚😘☺️!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

On the 24th of May Stephanie Beatriz sent to me six pictures of Shrimp Salad and a picture of Scallops Sunday.

Welcome back friends, and happy Sunday! Today is, on the 24th of May Stephanie Beatriz sent to me six pictures of Shrimp Salad and a picture of Scallops Sunday. Very early this morning, my family and I were getting ready to go on vacation!  I stayed up,  I didn't really sleep, a few power naps in the car but that's really it. Finally, it was time for our very long but fabulous road trip. It was so nice to know that we were going on a much-needed vacation, and getting out of New York City.  For breakfast, I enjoyed cookies, I know cookies for breakfast, what else can a girl ask for? Finally, after a while we made a pit stop, to go to the bathroom, and get a Starbucks.  After our pit stop, we got back on the road, it was really cool to see the sights of different states.  Also, during this time we enjoyed family time. It was that time again, time for another pit stop, on this pit stop we got Red Robin Yum! I know we're lucky girls, I'd be very jealous of me if I was you.  Finally, after multiple pit stops we finally arrived at the  Air B & B. When we arrived at the  Air B& B, I settled in and then took a shower.  After, my shower, I put my clothes away. This evening, I enjoyed homemade cookie crisp! Overall, my wonderful friends, it was a great day in my book, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer Blog of the day! Lots of love Ari Tizer <3333 

Friday, May 22, 2020

On the 22 of May Frankie Jonas sent to me four pictures of four pictures of pizza and a picture of The Red Power Ranger Friday.

Welcome back my wonderful friends, today is on the 22 of May Frankie Jonas sent to me four pictures of pizza and a picture of The Red Power Ranger Friday. Today, I woke up late, soon after waking up I began session with my coach. Today, for breakfast I had a Kind Bar. Today, I also enjoyed turkey and crackers. My coach and I just talked today nothing execting.  When I was finished with my session I took a shower and then posted my daily post on Facebook. Today,   I  began watching a movie called The Years of Spectacular Men On Hulu, it's not that bad of a movie if you ask me.  After a while, I took a break and watched an Autism conference, and enjoyed a pre-dinner appetizer a hot dog, barbeque chips,  and cookies for dessert.  After watching the Autism conference, I relaxed some more. Today, before dinner I    participated in online Shabbat Services with an old camp I attended way back when, and it was awesome! After the services, it was dinner time tonight for dinner  I enjoyed spaghetti with ground turkey. After dinner, I enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a cookie. After, tea time and cookie time I took another shower, and it was wonderful. Overall, my wonderful it was a nice day in my book, I hope you guys had a great Friday! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lots of love Ari Tizer <3 xx 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

On the 21st of May Tom Cavanagh sent to me two pictures of toffee and a picture of Ikasumi ( a squid ink) burger Thursday.

Welcome back friends, and happy Thursday! Today is,  On the 21st of May Tom Cavanagh sent to me two pictures of toffee and a picture of Ikasumi ( a squid ink) burger Thursday. I hope you all had a wonderful day!  Tomorrow's FryYay woot! Today, I woke up late, soon after waking up, I began session with my coach. During my session with my coach I enjoyed a nice Chinese food breakfast, and a nice cup of coffee. Today, my coach and I had a nice session. After my session with my coach was over, I relaxed for a little while, and then virtually attended an autism conference.  While I was listening to the speaker, I enjoyed a nice lunch. For lunch I had  crackers and hummus, and granola. After attending the conference, I took a walk with my mom,and a friend. We also spent time with my neighbor in the park by my house, and it was really nice.When we came home I took a nice shower, and then relaxed.  After relaxing for so long, it was finally dinner time. For dinner, I enjoyed a roasted chicken with potatoes and veggies. When dinner was over, I posted my daily post on Facebook. Folk's, remember to stay connected just because we need to be socially distanced doesn't mean we can't stay connected to the ones we love and to those around us, and show them we care 💪🧸💪😘. Overall, friends it was a great day in my book don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day ☺️☕💛😋😉ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

On the 20th, of May, Wesley Jonathan sent to me a picture of Fettuccine Alfredo,and a picture of an Eagle Wednesday.

Welcome back my wonderful friends and happy Wednesday!! Today, on the 20th, of May, Wesley Jonathan sent to me a picture of Fettuccine Alfredo,and a picture of an Eagle Wednesday. Today, I woke up late, not too long after waking up I began session with my coach . Today, I also enjoyed a raspberry yoghurt, and a cup of coffee while I had on with my coach Today, during my session with my coach, I completed some house chores, worked on social skills, did a mediation, stretching, and looked at foods from around the world. When  I was finished with my session, I relaxed a little bit , prepared my lunch before getting on my awesome writing call. Finally it was time for an amazing call with Mary Bacon, during the call we worked on prompts, I got to share my work. Overall, it was a fabulous experience! After my call,  I relaxed for a bit, and then a little while later took a nice walk around the block with my mom. We also checked on neighbors to see how they were doing. When we came back home, I took a nice shower, and then enjoyed some General tso's chicken, and noodles for dinner.  After dinner, I posted my daily post on Facebook. Overall, my fabulous friend's it was a great day in my book!