Sunday, May 24, 2020

On the 24th of May Stephanie Beatriz sent to me six pictures of Shrimp Salad and a picture of Scallops Sunday.

Welcome back friends, and happy Sunday! Today is, on the 24th of May Stephanie Beatriz sent to me six pictures of Shrimp Salad and a picture of Scallops Sunday. Very early this morning, my family and I were getting ready to go on vacation!  I stayed up,  I didn't really sleep, a few power naps in the car but that's really it. Finally, it was time for our very long but fabulous road trip. It was so nice to know that we were going on a much-needed vacation, and getting out of New York City.  For breakfast, I enjoyed cookies, I know cookies for breakfast, what else can a girl ask for? Finally, after a while we made a pit stop, to go to the bathroom, and get a Starbucks.  After our pit stop, we got back on the road, it was really cool to see the sights of different states.  Also, during this time we enjoyed family time. It was that time again, time for another pit stop, on this pit stop we got Red Robin Yum! I know we're lucky girls, I'd be very jealous of me if I was you.  Finally, after multiple pit stops we finally arrived at the  Air B & B. When we arrived at the  Air B& B, I settled in and then took a shower.  After, my shower, I put my clothes away. This evening, I enjoyed homemade cookie crisp! Overall, my wonderful friends, it was a great day in my book, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer Blog of the day! Lots of love Ari Tizer <3333 

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