Thursday, June 11, 2020

On the 11th, of June, Terry Crews to two pictures of two pictures of a steak sandwich,and a picture of an apple fritter Thursday.

Welcome back my wonderful friends, and happy Thursday! Today is, on the 11th, of June, Terry Crews to two pictures of two pictures of a steak sandwich,and a picture of an apple fritter Thursday. Today, I woke up bright and early, I was exhausted when I woke up. Soon after waking up, I began my session with my coach. Today, we worked on different worksheet like boundaries, coping skills etc. We also did some stretches, and watched vedios on food. Also, during my session, I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee  made by my beautiful mom, and a nice breakfast. For breakfast I had, sunny side up eggs , with sausage, greens, an apple, half a banana, and one piece of toast with raspberry preserves. Overall, my session with my coach was wonderful. Soon after my session with my coach, I relaxed  for a little while and then had a zoom call with a friend. After, my call with my friend I prepared my lunch. Soon after lunch prep,I participated in a wonderful Felicity House call! Also during the call, I enjoyed a nice lunch, for lunch I had blackberries, Wasa Crackers and sausages, a cup of decaffeinated Irish breakfast tea, and some gluten-free cookies, and it was wonderful. After, my amazing Felicity House call, I relaxed for a bit and then had a pre dinner appetizer.After my pre dinner appetizer, I doled out my meds for the next day, and then I took a nice shower. After dinner, I finished up with my daily posts and posted them on Facebook. Overall, my wonderful friends if was a fabulous day in my book! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day!  Lot's of love Ari Tizer πŸ’―πŸ’«! 

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