Wednesday, June 10, 2020

On the 10th, of June, Prince William sent to me a picture of a chocolate biscuit cake,and a picture of a Tudor Rose Wednesday.

Welcome back friend's. Today is on the 10th,  of June, Prince William sent to me a picture of a chocolate biscuit cake,and a picture of a Tudor Rose Wednesday. Today, I woke up bright and early, I relaxed for a bit before getting our of bed, and then I finally got my booty out of bed.  I prepared my breakfast and just chilled till I had to begin session with my coach.Finally, it was time for me to begin  session with my coach, during our session I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast, I had orange juice, half a banana, sausages, blueberry waffles, and coffee.Today, during my session with my coach, we discussed social skills, I completed a chore, and yeah it was a nice session, it's really nice to have human contact. When my session with my coach was over, I relaxed, and then did some writing. When, I was finished writing, I did some lunch prep before my amazing writing call! Finally, it was that time! First, we listened to someone speak, and then we where given a prompt, and we wrote about it.Also during the call, I got to share some of my own work with the leaders, and I got to enjoy a nice lunch. For lunch, I had the other half of banana that I didn't ear this morning, blueberry coccunt yoghurt, sausages, a nice cup of decaffeinated Yorkshire tea, and gluten-free cookies for dessert. Today, I had two really nice calls, the first nice call I had was with my father, and the second call was with an old teacher, both of the calls were wonderful. Tonight, for a dinner appetizer I had a quiche my beautiful mom made. After, dinner  I posted my daily posts on Facebook,and then went and took a nice shower. Overall,my wonderful friends it was a great day in my neighborhood! I hope you guys had a great day as well! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love, bacon ,hugs  and all things awesome!  Xx πŸ˜™πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’ž Ari Tizer !

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