Friday, April 3, 2020

On the 3rd, of April 2020 Frank Ocean sent to me two pictures of Chicken potstickers and a picture of The Porsche Friday.

Welcome back, friends and happy FryYay! Today is, on the 3rd, of April 2020 Frank Ocean sent to me two pictures of Chicken potstickers and a picture of The Porsche Friday. Today, I got to sleep in, but unfortunately, since I woke up early I had to rush to get ready for my session. Today for breakfast, I enjoyed some nice sausages, it was fabulous. Finally, when it was time for me to begin my session with my academic coach the first thing I did was I  wrote in my feelings journal, after writing in my feelings journal for the I  worked on reading comprehension. After, working on reading comprehension I watched videos on quotations. After, watching videos on quotations, I took a test on quotations.    Finally,  when my session with my academic coach was over, I enjoyed a nice cup of decaffeinated  Earl Grey. Today for lunch, I had a Genoa Salami Sandwich, and some nice sausages. I'm a huge sausage lover if you couldn't already tell. After lunch, I put my daily post on Facebook and then watched Scott  & Bailey, and it was awesome! You'll never guess what I had for dinner. Go on guess. Yep, you nailed it on the head some more sausages. Soon after dinner, it was time for me to begin my treatment. During my treatment, I watched some more episodes of Scott & Bailey. Finally, when my treatment was over, I took a nice shower. (In Icelandic) Bye, my lovely friends, I hope you all had a brilliant day, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Xxx Ari Tizer. Jæja, yndislegu vinir mínir, ég vona að þið eigið öll ljómandi dag, gleymdu ekki að stilla á morgun á annað stórkostlegt Ari Tizer blogg dagsins! Xxx Ari Tizer.

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