Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wishing it was Friday Wednesday.

Halfway to FryYay woohoo!! 
Is it Friday Yet?

Welcome back folks, today is Wishing it was Friday Wednesday. Hope you all had an amazing day!!! Today, I got up nice and early.  For, breakfast I had some yummy eggs with some gluten-free Chinese chicken it was lovely. After I completed my morning routine, I headed downstairs and waited for my coach. When it was time to go my coach and I made our way to EBL. When we arrived at EBL, I put my things downstairs and then had my life skills coach sign something I needed her to sign. When it was time to start my session with my acedamic coach, we began by reviewing my homework. After reviewing my homework, I did some reading comprehension. I read two very interesting articles one that was about how a scientist wants to use blood from bovine for humans and the second article was about how a guy ended up on the streets but still had a positive attitude and how he got into art. When I was done working on reading comprehension, I did some math. After math time was over, it was finally lunchtime! For lunch today, I had some more yummy eggs, but instead of the gluten-free Chinese chicken, I had gluten-free bread fried in mayo it was lovely. To wrap up our session, we worked a little bit on the Philosophy course that I'm taking on Coursera. When it was time to go back with my life skills coach, we made our way to Lenox Hill. Since EBL is so close to Lenox Hill we got there pretty fast.  When we arrived at Lenox Hill I checked in and then headed upstairs to  Neurology with my coach. When we got upstairs I checked in with the front desk and, then called my mom. After I called my mom, I completed my EBL homework. Finally, when I was able to see the doctor we talked about how I'm doing and many other different things, we also set up a follow-up appointment. When my mom and I left Lenox Hill we walked to the lab so I could get my blood drawn. Thankfully, the blood draw was quick like a bunny. When I was done at the lab my mom and I headed to a nearby coffee shop, my mom treated me to a muffin and coffee, she also got her self a muffin to take with her. Then when we're done at the coffee shop, we waited for my cab to pick me up. When my cab arrived, my mom waited for me to get settled in the car okay and then headed out. On my journey home, I enjoyed the coffee and muffin my mom bought me it was awesome! When I arrived home, I put my stuff down and then got ready to take a shower.  I was able to see my little sister for a few minutes but she was, unfortunately, heading out when I was coming in so I wasn't able to see her very long.  My shower was very nice and very soothing. After my shower,   I had some spare time to spare before my delivery arrived. I was able to talk to my beautiful mom on the phone once again.  Today was my lucky day  I got to have gluten-free Chinese food for dinner it was fabulous. Overall, friends, it was a lovely day! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day! Ciao, folks!

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