Thursday, February 13, 2020

On the 13th of February 2020 Miss.Trunchbull sent to me ten pictures of pizza and a picture of a narwhal Thursday.

We love you, Miss. Trunchbull!

.--. .-.. -.-. --- --. / -... .- -.-. -.- --..-- / ..-. --- .-.. -.- ... / - --- -.. .- -.-- / .. ... / --- -. / - .... . / .---- ...-- - .... / --- ..-. / ..-. . -... .-. ..- .- .-. -.-- / ..--- ----- ..--- ----- / -- .. ... ... .-.-.- - .-. ..- -. -.-. .... -... ..- .-.. .-.. / ... . -. - / - --- / -- . / - . -. / .--. .. -.-. - ..- .-.. ... / --- ..-. / .--. .. --.. --.. .- / .- -. -.. / .- / .--. .. -.-. - ..- .-.. / --- ..-. / .- / -. .- .-. .-- .... .- .-.. / - .... ..- .-. ... -.. .- -.-- .-.-.- (In Morse Code) Welcome back, folks today is on the 13th of February 2020 Miss. Trunchbull sent to me ten pictures of pizza and a picture of a narwhal Thursday.  Hope you all had a nice day! My morning routine went smoothly today. When I woke up I completed my daily chore. After completing my chore, I had some nice gluten-free Chinese food for breakfast, it was wonderful. When I was finally finished with my morning routine, I headed downstairs and waited for my coach. When it was time for my coach and I to go, we made our way to The Big Apple. When we arrived in Manhattan we stopped at Fresh & Co to pick up my order before heading to EBL. Thankfully, even though there were a lot of delays on the train and we made a stop to Fresh & Co we still made it to EBL. When we got to EBL, I let my coach sign what she needed to sign and then she headed out. When it was time for me to start our session with my acedamic coach,  the first thing we began with was reviewing my math homework. After reviewing and correcting my math homework, I had to take a math quiz. When I was finished with my quiz, we reviewed it and made corrections. After my math quiz, we spoke about my homework assignment for tonight. Before lunch, we worked on my Philosophy course on Coursera. When it was finally lunchtime, I had some delicious Chinese food! It was amazing! To wrap up our day we took a look at my blog from the previous day.  When it was time to go with my other coaches we made our way back to Queens.  When we finally arrived in Queens, we had to make a stop in CVS so I could pick up my prescriptions. After we were done in CVS, we headed back to my house. I wasn't feeling well today so my coaches left early. After my coaches left, I began some of my EBL homework and, then took a soothing shower, and then began on my EBL homework despite the fact that I  wasn't feeling well. After my EBL homework was done,  I relaxed a little bit before dinner. Today for dinner I had chicken and potatoes. (In German)  Tschüss, Leute vergessen nicht, sich morgen für einen weiteren tollen Ari Tizer-Blog einzuschalten! (Bye, folks don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog!)

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(In Hungarian) (Cookie pizza bárki?) Cookie pizza anyone?
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(In Gibberish)
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Matzah Pizza anyone?
Pepperoni duine ar bith pizza? (Pepperoni pizza anyone?) (In Irish)
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הגיע הזמן לפיצה! (It's pizza time in Hebrew)
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Mangiamo della pizza! (Let's eat some pizza in Italian.)
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(In Morse Code) -- .- -.-. / .- -. -.. / -.-. .... . . .... / .--. .. --.. --.. .- / .- -. -.-- --- -.. ..--.. (Mac and cheese pizza anyone?
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Aw Yum 

Bacon, caramelized onions, and a creamy base make up this classic German pizza, Flammkuchen, all on top of a cracker-thin, crispy crust.
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Image result for narwhal


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