Monday, February 10, 2020

Millionaire Monday.

Image result for dollar dollar bills y'all gif
Dollar, dollar bills y'all. 

Image result for dr evil 1 million dollars
One Million Dollars please!
Image result for one million
One Million. 

  Welcome back folks, today is Millionaire Monday! Today you  will become a millionaire hahaha sike you won't actually become a millionaire. But wouldn't that be cool, if we could all become millionaires? To start off my day today, I completed my chore. Then, I had a nice sandwich for breakfast. When it was finally 7:30 AM, my coach and I made our way to The Big Apple. When we got to Manhattan we made a stop to Starbucks before heading to EBL. When we got to EBL I put my stuff down and then had my coach sign some  paperwork that she needed to sign for me. Finally, when it was time to start my session with my academic coach, I began my session with some math work. Also, during this time I had my nice coffee and my yummy granola bar that I purchased from Starbucks. Finally, when math time was over we looked over my blog and made corrections to it. After making corrections to my blog, we moved on to reading comprehension. When I was finished working on reading comprehension, it was lunchtime woohoo!! Today for lunch, I had some yummy gluten-free Chinese food. To end our day, we reviewed my reading comprehension. When it was time for me to meet up with my girl and one of my new coaches, we all made our way back to Queens. When we arrived back at my house, I took a nice shower. When I was finished with my shower, my girl, my mom and I all sat with my new provider and chatted.   Also, after my shower, I worked on a couple of different tasks like making my bed, making my breakfast and lunch for the next day, and some light cleaning. After my girl left, I completed my EBL homework. Unfortunately for me  I had math homework tonight :(. When my homework was finished, I doled out my medication for the next three days. After doling out my medication, I relaxed a little bit and then my beautiful mom and I ordered a nice Chinese takeaway.  While we were waiting for our Chinese takeaway, I watched  The  Kardashian's, and it was absolutely great. Whenthe takeaway finally, arrived  my beautiful mom and I enjoyed some nice Chinese food! Overall, folks, it was a wonderful day! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog! :) <3

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