Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Transformation Times Edition #1

Hello friends, it's Queen Arielle coming to you live from my home in Queens, New York!

 Hello, my name is Queen Arielle, I am 25 years old, and I live in Queens New York with my mom & twin sister Rachel who I call my little sister because she is one minute younger than me. Why I am starting this blog is because I would like to share with the world what it’s like to be neurodiverse and also to transform the neurodiverse community. Some of the hopes I have for the neurodiverse community are 

  1. That everyone in the neurodiverse community will live an unconstrained transformed life 

  2. That the neurodiverse will be workable for everyone who is associated/ apart of it  

I’ve made it my mission in life to live by this quote that former Supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said “Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little \better for your having lived. `` To me life is all about being of service if we are not being of service then what’s the point of our life? That’s all for now folks make sure to tune in next time for another edition of the Transformation times.  It’s been real.  

~Queen Arielle <3

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Dying Boy who Still Remains Happy part 1

The Dying Boy who Still Remains Happy  part 1 

Oliver: He is 4 years old, he had to stop going to nursery school at the age of two because of his Leukemia diginios. 

Jason: Oliver's brother in his last year of college He acts really upbeat around his brother because his mum, nan and doctor say it's good for self esteem & wellbeing, but on the inside he is extremely depressed because his best friend is slowly withering away.

Amelia: Oliver's doctor, she's also  Jason's girlfriend. She's a very loving, kind, & helpful human being. She hates seeing Jason suffer, she tries to convince him to go to therapy, but he refuses and instead goes to the pub with his friends. 

 Jen: A single mum. She hates that Oliver is suffering. Amelia says she should get out a few times a week, so she works  at the local pub in her town on Saturdays & Sundays, and volunteers for the local care home on Fridays. 

Tiffany: Oliver's nan. She is 87 years old. She keeps Oliver when his mum is working and when his brother is in school..  She says "Even though he's dying  he still remains happy, " I love   that about him". 

Jen: "Alright mum, I'm off to work I asked Wille  if I can get off at half seven, so I can make tea for you and Oliver, also mum your the most active 87 year old I know, don't forget to take your tablets  for high blood pressure, and please make sure Oliver drinks his shake, I've already premade three of them that will last him till I get home, He's" in the den by the watching Rocky and Bullwinkle .

Tiffany: "Honey stop worrying I have it all sorted out, go on now, go to work". 

Jen: "Miss Karen is on standby if you need her". 

Tiffany: "Alright love bye know". 

(1 hour  later and Tiffany & Oliver are watching Austin Powers.)

Oliver: "Do I have to drink my shake"? 

Tiffany: "Yeah, you do and I have to take these bloody tablets for my high blood pressure". 

(Tiffany downs her high blood pressure tablets with vodka and Oliver quickly downs his shake.)

Tiffany: "Alrighty then that's over and done with, what shall we do now".

Oliver: "Can we go on a train ride" 

Tiffany: " Where do you wanna go" . 

Oliver: "I'd like to go Yorkshire". 

Tiffany: "That's a really long journey sweetheart, I'm afraid we can't make that long trip". 

Oliver: " Well can adleast have a full english breakfast". 

Tiffany: "Sure my little oreo". 

(Forty five minutes later Oliver is enjoying his full english breakfast with a cup of iced tea".)

Oliver: "Thanks nan you're a great cook". 

Tiffany: "Your welcome my little oreo". 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

On the 23rd of July, Taye Diggs sent to me two pictures of Skúffukaka and a picture of a Labrador Retriever Thursday.



Taye Diggs Facts: Celebrities Who Started on Soaps

Howdy friends and happy Thursday! One more day till FryYay!! I hope you guys had a fantastic day 🎉! Today is, on the the 23rd of July, Taye Diggs sent to me two pictures of Skúffukaka and a picture of a Labrador Retriever Thursday.   Today, I woke up early, but not too early.  Upon waking up, I relaxed in bed, and posted my daily posts on Facebook. When I was done relaxing in bed, I relaxed some more on the couch and then enjoyed a nice brunch. For brunch I enjoyed Wasa crackers with apple butter and  raisins, a cup of coffee, a cup of coconut milk that I heated up in the microwave, and scrambled eggs. I know I had a feast! Not  too long after brunch, I took part in an online social with Felicity House! I had a blast it was really nice to connect with others! After the event, I took a nice shower and then had a virtual medical appointment. Today, I started a new show on Prime Video called Ambulance. It's a show about the ambulance service in the UK, it's interesting. I highly recommend it. Finally, it was that time again food time! Tonight for dinner,  I enjoyed a nice Chinese food dinner! Overall, my wonderful friends it was a great day in  my book! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer xx ❤️😘💜 xx!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

On the 30th of June Tyler Florence sent to me two pictures of fried pork belly, and a picture of Andrew Zimmern Tuesday.

Tyler Florence | Food Network
Deep Fried Pork Belly Recipe by Mia - Cookpad
Deep fried pork belly | Premium Photo
Bizarre Foods America: Dallas Pictures : Travel Channel | Bizarre ...

On the 30th of June, Tyler Florence sent to me two pictures of fried pork belly, and a picture of Andrew Zimmern Tuesday. Hiya! I hope you all had a fantastic day!  Today is..  well today. But, today, also on the 30th of June Tyler Florence sent to me two pictures of fried pork belly, and a picture of Andrew Zimmern Tuesday. Today, I woke up early,  I know it's tragic. Soon after waking up, I got ready for the day ahead of me. Soon after getting ready, I began my session with my coach. Today, we watched a video about developing different important skills, and another video about things you can do to improve your life. To wrap up our session, we watched fun videos of my choice. After my session with my coach, I relaxed. Finally, it was time for me to log on and have an awesome lunch social with my Felicity House peeps. During the social, I also enjoyed a turkey sandwich with mayo and a cup of coffee. After the social, I talked to a friend, and relaxed. After relaxing, I took a nice shower. Tonight, for an early dinner, I had pasta with meat sauce. After dinner, I enjoyed ice cream and posted my daily posts on Facebook. Overall, my fabulous friends, it was a great day in my book! Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day xx Ari Tizer!



Sunday, June 28, 2020

On the 28th, of June, Seiji Yamamoto sent to me six pictures of Yakitori and a picture of Takoyaki Sunday.

 Howdy, friends, I hope you all had a great weekend! Today is well today. But today also is,on the 28th of June, Seiji Yamamoto sent to me six pictures of Yakitori and a picture of Takoyaki Sunday. Today, folks I woke up late. I know I'm  lucky. Soon after waking up, I got ready for the day ahead of me. After getting ready for the day, I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee. For breakfast, I enjoyed a kind bar with coconut milk. After breakfast, I watched Hulu for a bit, and then prime video. After watching, Prime video for a while, I baked a cake. If you're wondering, I didn't bake it from scratch, I baked it from a box, I'm good but not that good lol. After,I baked I relaxed,and during my relaxing time I enjoyed a nice cup of Yorkshire tea. Today, for lunch I had carrots with mayo, a turkey sandwich with mayo, and for dessert I had cake. After lunch I went back to watching prime video today.I also  got to have a second piece of cake while watching Prime video. I know I'm lucky! After enjoying more of my delicious cake, I doled out my medication for the next day and then posted my daily post's on Facebook. Overall y'all it was another fabulous day in my neighborhood! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day!! Lot's of love Ari Tizer!!!! 💪💪㊗️🧀💪💮💮🍦


Thursday, June 25, 2020

On the 25th, of June Haile Thomas sent to me two pictures of pumpkin seeds, and a picture of seaweed salad Thursday.

Howdy y'all today is well today, but today also is on the  25th of June Haile Thomas sent to  me two pictures of pumpkin seeds, and a picture of seaweed salad Thursday.  I hope you all had a brilliant day! Today, I woke up bright and early, I know poor me I could of been sleeping with my new Golden Girls quilt, but no I was wide awake. Soon after waking up, I prepared my breakfast. Finally, when I was able to sit down I watched Netflix and enjoyed a nice breakfast.  For breakfast I had  a kind bar with almond/ coconut milk. Soon after breakfast and Netflix time, I began my session with my coach. Today, we had another nice session. I did some light cleaning, some stretching, we worked on a life skills worksheet, and to wrap up our session we watched food videos. Overall, I had a fantastic session with my coach. After my session with my coach, I prepared my lunch. For lunch, I enjoyed eggs with Wasa Crackers and cookies and milk for dessert, and it was absolutely wonderful.Also, during lunch, I watched some more Netflix. I'm currently watching a show about Asain street food, it is quite interesting, I'd recommend it. Soon after lunch, I had a medical appointment. After my medical appointment, I joined an amazing Felicity House lunch social. After the social, I doled out my meds for the next day, and then posted my daily posts on Facebook. After posting my daily posts on Facebook, I enjoyed a snack. For snack, I had carrots with mayo,and a raspberry persevere sandwich.After snack time, I took a nice shower and then relaxed. Tonight, for dinner, I enjoyed a spaghetti dinner. Overall, my wonderful friends, it was another awesome day in my neighborhood. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer 🐹🤗☺️ xx Ari Tizer. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

On the 24th of June, Werner Erhard sent to me a picture of watermelon icecream and a picture of rainbow pasta Wednesday.

Werner Hans Erhard-2.jpg

Welcome back friends today is well today, but today is also on the 24th of June, Werner Erhard sent to me a picture of watermelon icecream and a picture of rainbow pasta Wednesday. Today, I woke up bright and early. Soon after waking up, I hung out with my mom for a little bit, and then prepared my breakfast.  Soon after breakfast prep, I began my session with my coach.  During my session I enjoyed a nice breakfast. For breakfast, I enjoyed a kind bar with coconut/ almond milk, a cup of orange juice and a nice cup of Yorkshire tea. Today, with my coach, I worked on social skills worksheets, and  watched different videos about social skills. We also did  some easy stretching.After my session with my coach, I relaxed for a bit and then had a call with  a friend. Today, I also participated in a nice writing zoom call. On the call we did a variety of prompts and the call was absolutely amazing! After my writing zoom call I doled out my medication for the next day. After doling out my meds, I relaxed some more and then listened to a Tony Robbins talk on Facebook. When I was done listening to the talk ,I enjoyed chinese food for an early dinner. After dinner, I took a nice shower, after my shower I posted my daily posts on Facebook. Tonight, I had the beautiful opportunity of participating in a virtual animal therapy session with Felicity House. Overall, my beautiful friends, it was a great day in my book! Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for another fantastic Ari Tizer blog of the day lot’s of love Ari Tizer!!!! 
