Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Dying Boy who Still Remains Happy part 1

The Dying Boy who Still Remains Happy  part 1 

Oliver: He is 4 years old, he had to stop going to nursery school at the age of two because of his Leukemia diginios. 

Jason: Oliver's brother in his last year of college He acts really upbeat around his brother because his mum, nan and doctor say it's good for self esteem & wellbeing, but on the inside he is extremely depressed because his best friend is slowly withering away.

Amelia: Oliver's doctor, she's also  Jason's girlfriend. She's a very loving, kind, & helpful human being. She hates seeing Jason suffer, she tries to convince him to go to therapy, but he refuses and instead goes to the pub with his friends. 

 Jen: A single mum. She hates that Oliver is suffering. Amelia says she should get out a few times a week, so she works  at the local pub in her town on Saturdays & Sundays, and volunteers for the local care home on Fridays. 

Tiffany: Oliver's nan. She is 87 years old. She keeps Oliver when his mum is working and when his brother is in school..  She says "Even though he's dying  he still remains happy, " I love   that about him". 

Jen: "Alright mum, I'm off to work I asked Wille  if I can get off at half seven, so I can make tea for you and Oliver, also mum your the most active 87 year old I know, don't forget to take your tablets  for high blood pressure, and please make sure Oliver drinks his shake, I've already premade three of them that will last him till I get home, He's" in the den by the watching Rocky and Bullwinkle .

Tiffany: "Honey stop worrying I have it all sorted out, go on now, go to work". 

Jen: "Miss Karen is on standby if you need her". 

Tiffany: "Alright love bye know". 

(1 hour  later and Tiffany & Oliver are watching Austin Powers.)

Oliver: "Do I have to drink my shake"? 

Tiffany: "Yeah, you do and I have to take these bloody tablets for my high blood pressure". 

(Tiffany downs her high blood pressure tablets with vodka and Oliver quickly downs his shake.)

Tiffany: "Alrighty then that's over and done with, what shall we do now".

Oliver: "Can we go on a train ride" 

Tiffany: " Where do you wanna go" . 

Oliver: "I'd like to go Yorkshire". 

Tiffany: "That's a really long journey sweetheart, I'm afraid we can't make that long trip". 

Oliver: " Well can adleast have a full english breakfast". 

Tiffany: "Sure my little oreo". 

(Forty five minutes later Oliver is enjoying his full english breakfast with a cup of iced tea".)

Oliver: "Thanks nan you're a great cook". 

Tiffany: "Your welcome my little oreo". 

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