Sunday, March 22, 2020

On the 22 of March, Sam Pancake sent to me six pictures of Blueberry Pancakes and a picture of Judi Dench Sunday.

What's good, friends? Happy Sunday! Today is on the 22 of March, Sam Pancake sent to me six pictures of Blueberry Pancakes and a picture of Judi Dench Sunday. Today, I got to sleep in, I know lucky me!! Today, before I got up and got going I relaxed for a little while. Today was laundry day once again. After the laundry was put in the washers, we came back upstairs and I doled out my medication for the day. For breakfast today, I had some granola. After breakfast, I put my daily question, word, and song of the day on Facebook. Today, I also enjoyed some nice French toast I made, and yes it was all that and a bag of chips. After, my nice French Toast meal, it was time to bring the laundry upstairs. When we brought the laundry upstairs, I took a nice shower. After my shower, it was Golden Girls time and tea time. After I watched the Golden Girls and drank my tea I sorted my laundry and put it away. After sorting and putting my clothes away, I doled out my medication for the next day. After my shower, it was Golden Girls' time once again. When Golden Girl's time was over, I took another shower. For dinner tonight, I enjoyed some nice sausages, vanilla coconut yoghurt with crushed up gluten-free cookies and a cup of orange juice. Today, I watched part of a video about animal feelings for one of my sister's classes. Today, I also enjoyed a nice gluten-free muffin with my sister. (In Hebrew)Bye, friends, I hope you all had a  lovely Sunday! I love you all! xx Ari Tizer! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous blog!馃惀馃✌✌❤馃挄馃挒讘讬讬 讞讘专讬诐, 讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖诇讻讜诇讻诐 讛讬讛 讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 诪拽住讬诐!  讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘 讗转 讻讜诇讻诐!  xx 讗专讬 讟讬讬讝专!  讗诇 转砖讻讞 诇讛转注讚讻谉 诪讞专 诇注讜讚 讘诇讜讙 诪讚讛讬诐! 馃惀馃✌✌❤馃挄馃挒

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