Saturday, February 8, 2020

Six Pictures of Charile Sheen and picture of a Callah bread Saturday.

On, the 8th, of February 2020 The Queen Of England sent to me six pictures of Charlie Sheen and a picture of a Challah bread. Mirësevini, njerëz të kthyeshëm, sot miqtë e mi janë Gjashtë Figurat e Charlie Sheen dhe fotografia e një të shtune në bukë Challah. (In Albanian) Welcome, back folks, today my friends is Six Pictures of Charlie Sheen and picture of a Challah bread Saturday. Hello, my friends hope you all had an amazing Saturday! To, begin my day, I put my amazing song, question and word of the day on Facebook. Then, after that I watched some Kardashians after I was done watching the Kardashians, I doled out my medication for the next three days. For, my first meal I had some awesome sushi :) it was amazing. Then, after my awesome sushi meal, my beautiful mom and I watched Bizzare Foods With Andrew Zimmern. After, watching  Bizzare Foods  With Andrew Zimmern I took a nice shower. After, my shower my mom and I watched some entertaining videos. For an early dinner, I had some gluten-free Chinese food. For dessert, I had some delicious dark chocolate. What drink do goalies hate? Penal-tea. What drink brings you down to earth? Gravi-Tea.  Barista: How do you take your coffee?
Me: Very, very seriously. What do you call good eggnog? Eggcellent. What’s the fastest way to get eggnog to the party? Use the eggs-press lane. Why does eggnog go to school? For an egg-u-cation Overall, folks, it was a pretty swell day!  Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer blog of the day! :) Ciao!

Image result for queen wave gif
What's up Queen?
Image result for charlie sheen
What's good Sheen?
Image result for charlie sheen
Get it, Sheen. 
Image result for no fucks given charlie sheen
No fucks given.
Charlie Sheen

Image result for charlie sheen how people feel about me
Who cares what people think I surely don't. Preach Sheen.

Historical Reenactment Two and a Half Men Crew Maybe Not Ready to Deal with Charlie Sheen Again
Hi, Sheen, how are you?
Challah bread anyone?

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