Friday, January 10, 2020


Cheerio! Hope you all had a splendid week. I also hope that you all had a wonderful week! It's finally FryYay! Today homies is no filter Friday. Think someone is hot? Just tell them "you're hot 😅🐻👍. I think my neurologist and my psychiatrist are hot. So I just let them  upfront "you're hot. 🐻⏳Once agim I had a  brilliant day with my academic coach. After, I finished with my academic coach my l ifesk coach took me home. Sicne my  life skills  coach wasn't feeling well I  had the afternoon off lucky me. I took a nice shower, then after my shower I just hung out and played on my phone. Once again I got to have a  delicious gluten-free chinese meal it was fabulous . As a pre dessert appetizer before my real dessert I had some yummy chocolate. Then later on in the day at 6pm I had my therapist. I also got to spend some nice time with my mom :). When my sister got home from her event she came home with some scrumptious Martha's, a gluten-free vegan chocolate fudge,  for my sister and I.  I ate most of my cake and shared some of it with my mom, Rachel also got the gluten free vegan chocolate fudge and my mom got the gluten-free vegan carrot cake. Overall it was a pretty darn good day :) <3 and remember always have #nofilter if you think someone is hot say it don't hold it in :) <3 ! Once again, folks happy FtyYay don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing blog! :) 

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