Saturday, January 11, 2020

Free Bird 🐦Saturday

Marhaba (Hello in Arabic 사람ie들 ) folks in Korean.)  How are you all doing today? Today was a lazy Saturday for me.   Today  I watched two movies on Prime Video the movies I watched where called Brand New Old Love and Holiday Road Trip.  I guess you can say for a late breakfast I had 1/2 a hummus sandwich.  After my late breakfast, I took a  nice shower. I did not have lunch. For dinner, I had a lovely BareBurger a bison burger on a gluten-free bun with alfalfa pork bacon, and a sunny side up egg it was amazing I also had fries with my lovely  BareBurger meal.  What do you guys enjoy doing on weekends? On the weekends don't care about chores work or school it's the weekend. FREE bird! Run naked for all I care! Have fun! Do something that makes you happy. Be with family and friends. Sleep late. Do some nice self-care. Watch a movie. Take a load off. You deserve it. 
I have to ask you guys something if you could eat only 3 three foods for the rest of your life what would you eat and why? I would eat bacon, eggs, and sushi most likely.   Here's a joke for you folks My neighbor texted me, “I just made synonym buns!”
I texted back, “You mean like grammar use to make?”
I haven’t heard from her since. Heres another joke for you folks.What do iPhones eat for breakfast? Siri-al да пабачэння, спадзяюся, што ў вас была выдатная і расслабляльная субота! Не забудзьцеся наладзіцца заўтра на яшчэ адзін дзіўны блог, які потым заглядае! bye, folks hope you all had a lovely and relaxing Saturday! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome blog later peeps! (In Belarusian) 

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