Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hello it's hump day are you waiting for the weeknd?

Hello folks, or should I said Ciao? I hope you all had an amazing Hump day only 2 more days till FryYay! This weekend is going to be a long weekend woohoo! Today for breakfast I had leftover Chinese food, and for lunch tomorrow I get to have Chinese food. From 9 am till 1 pm I got to spend some awesome time with my favorite teacher, and I also got her to autograph her book that I bought for me. We worked on some boring math. We also worked on prepositions. During our session we had some good laughs, Also with my lunch, I get to have what will probably be a delicious sweet treat, thank you, Rachel! Then on my lunch break, I ate some nice Chinese food and took my medication. 10 at 1 p.m. I was finished with my academic coach my life skills coach picked me up, and we headed to Whole Foods and Fairway. Then after all our shopping was done, we walked to the Q train and took it to Times Square 42nd Street. We then took a local train all the way back to Queens. When  I arrived home, I settled in and then my life skills coach and I did some simple tasks before she had to leave, this includes prepping my lunch for the next day and working on my laundry putting it away. My lifeskills coached did the folding and I put my clothes away into my drawers. When she finished with me for the day I started on my academic homework, but then I have to get when I call with, the nurse who would be giving me treatment. After my call, I began my EBL homework but had to take a small break to layout my medication for the next day. After I laid out my meds, I was finally able to finish my academic homework. When my academic homework was finally finished,  I got to take a nice hot shower it was absolutely lovely. You'll never guess what I had for dinner, yep you're right gluten-free Chinese food again it was wonderful. Overall today was an awesome day. Even though unfortunately I have my treatment tomorrow and Friday  I'll make the best out of it. adiĆ³s folks (goodbye in Spanish,) don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing blog of the day!

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