Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday's

What's up folks happy Wednesday! How are you today? I'm wonderful.πŸ‘ I had a brilliant day got to spend some more wonderful time,  with my lovely academic coach it was absolutely amazing!  Then later in the day with my life skills coach, we went to the bank and came back ⬅️to my house. After my life skills coach left πŸ‘ˆ  I did some EBL homework, then took a lovely shower 🚿. Then a  little while after my shower, I had a scrumptious dinner.
What did you guys there today? What did you guys have for dinner? What are some of your hobbies? I would love to hear all about you guys, I love my fans! I had a delicious gluten-free Chinese dinner. I had gluten-free General Tso's chicken and gluten-free sesame chicken with brown rice it was delicious🍚. For my lunch tomorrow I get to have some more amazing gluten-free General Tso's chicken πŸΉπŸ€. Hey, folks if you're ever feeling down feel free to read my blog or message on social media if you have me on social media. I'm always up for listening and I'll always be there for you guys so if you guys ever have a bad day you could just look at my posts either one here on Facebook maybe just maybe it will make your day better. Well, folks, I hope you had a splendid day don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome blog. πŸ— you folks are beautiful don't let anybody tell you you're not who you say what you feel, don't let this crazy society, determine who you are, you are you, your amazing! If you say you're worthless you're worthless. If you say your a million bucks, then your a million bucks plus an extra dollar. Whatever you say to yourself that you are. Be good to yourself. Do. some nice self-care. Hang out with a friend. Eat a nice piece of cake.  See you guys tomorrow in the next blog.  Don't forget you're absolutely brilliant. πŸ—πŸ»πŸ¦›

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