Friday, June 5, 2020

On the 5th, of June Finn Jones , sent to me four pictures of Schweinshaxe (Pork Knuckle) and a picture of a Lamborghini Friday.

Crispy Pork Knuckle (Schweinehaxe) | A Food Lover's Kitchen

The famous Oktoberfest schweinshaxe, a whole roasted pork knuckle - so incredibly satisfying after a long day of stein hoisting and dancing!

Alain Class Motors | Lamborghini Aventador SVJ - 1 of 900

Welcome back friends, and happy FryYay!  Today is on the 5th of June Finn Jones,  sent to me  four pictures of Schweinshaxe (Pork Knuckle) and a picture of a Lamborghini Friday. Today, I woke up late, I know I'm lucky. When I woke up, I relaxed for a bit and then had a zoom call with a wonderful friend. Soon after my call, I had a lovely brunch. For brunch, I enjoyed sesame chicken, Wasa crackers and, a  cup of coffee with a coffee muffin inside the coffee, and it was absolutely wonderful!  After brunch, I posted my daily posts on Facebook. After posting my daily posts on Facebook, I made myself a nice grilled cheese on gluten-free bread with  dairy free cheese, for a late lunch and it was wonderful!  When I was done with lunch, I took a shower, and then continued watching a movie I began watching the other day. Soon after movie time, I participated in Online Shabbat Services with a former summer camp I attended for many years, the services were absolutely lovely <3. After my call, I enjoyed a nice meal made by my sister <33333. Overall, my wonderful friends, it was a great day in my book don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot’s of love Ari Tizer! <3

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