Monday, April 6, 2020

On the 6th, of April 2020,Madeline Brewer sent to me two pictures of Galina Reznikov and a picture of Alex Vause Monday.

Welcome back my beautiful friends, today is on the 6th, of April 2020 Madeline Brewer sent to me two pictures of Galina Reznikov and a picture of Alex Vause Monday. The first thing I did to began my day was, I posted my daily word, question, song, bonus videos on Facebook. Know I'm off to bed folks since it's literally almost 1:00 AM. When I finally woke up, it was breakfast time, for breakfast I had granola. After breakfast, I took my first shower of the day and it was absolutely wonderful. After my shower, it was Scott & Bailey time, I really like that show and I would definitely recommend it. For lunch today, I enjoyed delicious matzah brie and some salad. After lunch, I took my second shower of the day, it was absolutely fabulous. After my second shower, I watched some more episodes of Scott & Bailey. Today, I had a really nice phone call with my father, he was really happy that I sent him a Passover basket. After my phone call with my father, I watched Scott & Bailey. After watching some more Scott & Bailey, I cooked a beautiful pork chop dinner, props to me! After dinner, I took my third shower, which was also very nice. After my third shower, I watched Scott & Bailey again it was wonderful. I, hope you guys had a fabulous day and are staying safe. (In Kazakh) Bye, my beautiful friends, I love you all! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fantastic Ari Tizer blog of the day xx Ari Tizer 🥽♣🏀🥎🥰😊😘! Сау бол, менің әдемі достарым, мен бәріңді жақсы көремін!  Ертеңіне тағы бір керемет Ari Tizer блогын xx Ari Tizer блогына жазуды ұмытпаңыз 🥽 ♣ 🏀🥎🥰😊😘!

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